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                              TEAM AdVANTAGE

         ASHLEY GEE                  KATHERINE DITCHMAN          RANDEE AKERS               WILL ELLIS

         REALTOR®                    REALTOR®                    REALTOR®                   REALTOR®
         210.408.4012                210.408.4081                210.408.4011               210.408.4006

         Responsible for all listings Prepares   Tracks market activity in area   Oversees transactions from the time   As  the Buyer  Specialist,  Will
         comparative market analysis and   neighborhoods, sending weekly /  property goes under contract to   analyzes Buyers’ requests, searches
         provides a comprehensive market-  monthly property updates and   the  time  of  closing,  making  sure   Multiple Listing Service, previews
         ing plan for each home. Assists by   distributing summaries on San   no deadline is missed. Coordinates   homes, and shows Buyers.  Provide:
         recommending methods to enhance   Antonio’s real estate market. She   information between Buyers and   history and comparables to assist in
         the marketability of homes Sched-  coordinates all advertising mate-  Sellers (as needed) so that all details   making the best purchase for the
         ules and coordinates virtual tours,   rials, keeps social media fresh, or-  are handled in a timely fashion.   Buyer.  Stays informed of various
         open houses, internet and other   ganizes/executes marketing events   Stays in contact with mortgage   changes in neighborhoods, school
         forms of advertising.       and researches/implements new   companies, inspectors, appraisers,   boundaries,  traffic  patterns,  and
                                     programs to enhance the Team’s   and other parties in the transaction   other pertinent facts that directly
                                     productivity. She negotiates leases,   to assure that closings go smoothly.  impact the value of the home.
                                     logs and maintains all electronic
                                     and in office files, as well as assists
                                     other team members assuring all
                                     objectives have been met.
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