Page 4 - Modern Woman Fashion Magazine Cover
P. 4
Effect of Architecture on Your Lifestyle
By: Mawar Puspitasari
Architecture is the art or practice of designing There are several architectural elements.
and building structures and building Architectural elements are various elements that
construction. In a broader sense, architecture form an architectural unit. That is, architecture
can include designing and building the entire consists of several smallest elements that
macro-level built environment, for example support it so that it can become a whole.
urban planning, not just a single building and its Architectural elements consist of three main
appendages. Mangunwijaya and Wastu Citra classifications, namely: physical, acceptance, and
(1995, p. 12) reveal that architecture comes from conceptual elements. The first is the physical
the Greek "archee" and "tectoon". Archee means element. In architecture, the physical elements
the original, the first, the first. While Tectoon are form and space, here it must be considered
means sturdy, not collapsed or stable. Then how the systems and structures are
archeetectoon means original and sturdy. From implemented, what technologies are used.
this etymology, we can conclude that Second, the element of acceptance. As opposed
architecture must meet at least two criteria, to the physical elements, these are the
namely it must be unique or beautiful and strong. psychological elements of an architecture. Will
The definition of architecture in the Webster humans be comfortable living in this building? Is
Dictionary is the art or practice of designing one's way in and out fluid and predictable? The
building structures, especially those that are last element is the conceptual element. The
habitable. Architecture explains why this field in conceptual element will answer a number of
the public eye is synonymous with residential questions, such as, is this building/environment
building design, because most of the fields are not only acceptable but also conveys a meaning?
there. Or want to make a certain symbol?
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