Page 22 - Semester Catalog Spring 2018
P. 22


Purimania at Binghamton!

HAMANTASHEN                                                            MEGILLAH
BAKE OFF                                                                 READING

Sunday, February 25, 7:30pm                        Purim Night, February 28, 6:00pm

Come bake these delicious holiday cookies and                                     C4 Multi Purpose Room
take some home with you.
Some of the Hamantashen will be delivered                             Purim Day, March 1
to residents in nursing homes and patients
in hospitals.                                      Hear the whole Megillah at these times & locations:
Charge - $2.                                                                    8:00am at Chabad Center
                                                                                       11:00am to 4:00pm
                                                               Every HOUR on the HOUR! on Campus
                                                                                    Campus location TBD

                                                                                5:00pm at Chabad Center

PURIM FEAST                                                 UNITED PURIM
Enjoy a feast to make Achashveirosh envious
                                                    Don’t miss out on the chance to send your
Thursday, March 1, 6:00pm                          friends love and good cheer by giving them

Enjoy Dougies BBQ & Grill dinner brought up from               MISHLOACH MANOT through
NY, Music, Dancing and loads of fun.                  CHABAD’S UNITED PURIM SERVICE.
$10 online student price | $12 at door.
Reservations are absolutely necessary and will be                   To place your order log onto
accepted on a first come, first served basis.               
Reserve at

       For everything you need to know about Purim 2018 in
             Binghamton visit:

22 Rohr Chabad Center I 420 Murray Hill Road I (607) 797-0015 I
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