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be upfront about the fact that you have already committed to another agent.

        The value of commitment: When you commit to work exclusively with one
        agent, they will act as an advocate on your behalf. If they are confident that
        they have your trust and your business, that will be the incentive necessary
        to build a productive relationship in which your agent does whatever they can
        to further your search.

        If you are not yet ready to commit to a specific agent, be sure to communicate
        that, and explain that you are still looking around and exploring different
        options. Do not expect the same level of responsiveness, though, as if you
        had agreed to work exclusively with one agent.
         Be open with agents and let them know if you are committed to a particular
        agent. It is unfair to ask agents to spend time on your search without any
        expectation of remuneration.

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