Page 17 - OTS_Magazine_2ndQtr-2020
P. 17

  Telecommuting. Teleworking. Flexible workplace. Whatever you call it, many Department of Public Safety employees are conducting state business from the couch, dining room table or home office due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Yet while rolling out of bed, sliding on your slippers and grabbing a cup of fresh coffee on the way to your temporary work place down the hall, many of you may be experiencing some withdrawal and missing the face-to-face contactwithco-workers.Herearesometips to keep you connected:
1 Configure a Dedicated Space
Social distancing
 Yes, I’m telling you to find some space
other than the dining room table to set up your employees working
home office. It’s always a good idea to keep the separation between home and work. When it’s
time to get motivated to “go to work” you’ll have 6 a space that puts you into the right frame of
mind and it keeps work from bleeding into your
family time.
2 Take Time for You connected to a
If you normally get up from your desk and walk the office to rest your eyes, get some blood flowing and recharge - then do the same at your home work environment. A five-minute break provides a surprising injection of energy to get back to business. I, for instance, have become fond of walking to the vegetable garden to check on the new growth, or taking the dog for a short walk around the house. It’s amazing what a little time with the family pet can do for you.
healthy work environment.
has many DPS
in a new office setting.
Here are
 tips for staying
Matt Jenkins
Communications Officer DPS Communications
 Working Remotely

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