Page 18 - OTS_Magazine_2ndQtr-2020
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3 Keep to a Schedule
This one can be difficult for many of us. Remember to take your lunch break and don’t sit and eat at your desk - even if that may be what you normally do at the office. “Just one more minute” is something my wife hears regularly now when it is time for dinner. So remember to stick to your normal routine. You know how you normally function at the office, so keep that schedule.
4 Get dressed up
One of the perks of working remotely is the ability to stay casual. However, after several days/weeks now, everyone has gotten casual. If only once a week (I choose Wednesday), get up and get dressed in normal business attire. Put a tie on; break out the bling and get your jewelry on. You will be amazed how good it makes you feel and it is a change of pace from the #cazh.
5 Use Reliable Equipment
Working away from the office can already be a challenge, so there is no reason to complicate it further by using “bargain” gear. When the internet connection isn’t reliable we lose our lifeline to our work. Invest in quality tech gear for your home office and you will reduce some of the stress and angst.
6 Communicate With Co-Workers
If anything, over-communicate. Working remotely doesn’t imply solitude. Stay connected by making phone calls or using video chat. Did you know the Jabber app is available for your state cell phone? Stay in touch with your colleagues and everyone will benefit!
  See how Tracy connects
with her co-workers and
maintains a healthy and
productive day working
Digital Workplace
DODWayNinLthOeAlifDe of Tracy – Remote Worker Meet Daria, an Adoption Lead who uses Microsoft Teams to collaborate, create, and be more productive throughout her day from home or anywhere.
 8:45 AM
Tracy starts her workday at home, by checking the Activity Feed in Microsoft Teams to see if she has received any notifications that require an action from her side.
Tracy continues her work on her laptop and makes her PowerPoint presentation on adoption strategy. Then she uploads the presentation in her teams’ Microsoft Teams space to work on it with her colleague Mark for preview.
1:00 PM
Coming back from lunch, Tracy connects her laptop to the Wi-Fi. She will see all the comments or modifications Mark did in the presentation. Now she is ready to share it with her manager, Staci in the appropriate Microsoft Teams channel and @mention her to grab her attention.
9:00 AM
After her morning coffee, she opens the Microsoft Teams mobile app to join the daily status meeting for her team..
10:45 AM
Because Mark is on the go ,he opens the document in Microsoft Teams Mobile App and reviews the first draft of the presentation. He adds comments in the presentation, that needs to be shared with her colleague in the afternoon.
1:30 PM
After Staci’s review, Tracy and her colleague Mark co-edit the presentation in real time once again to finalize it. They can easily work on one single version of the presentation together and changes are automatically saved – no more wasting time on work getting lost!
4:00 PM
Tracy has her 1:1 with her manager, Olga. They both connect directly in the Microsoft Teams and join the meeting they have already setup. By turning on the camera, it almost feels like a face to face meeting where everyone can participate in an inclusive way, even remotely.
5:30 PM
At the end of the day, Tracy has a 1:1 Microsoft Teams call to chat with her colleague, Richard and to catch-up what happened that day and share a ‘virtual tea’ together.
Keeping DPS employees connected securely while working remotely gets help from digital communications technology.
10:15 AM
3:00 PM
Tracy @mention the whole Adoption team in the Microsoft Teams channel informing them that the Adoption Strategy presentation is ready and asks to provide feedback. She plans a catch-up meeting directly in the Microsoft Teams channel, via the Calendar tab for the next day.
5:00 PM
Tracy reviews the Adoption metrics of JTI via the PowerBI analytics embedded in Microsoft Teams.
    “DPS has invested in collaboration software tools, such as Microsoft Teams and Cisco WebEx, that allow employees to communicate with co-workers via chat and video and stay connected in the most secure way possible, while at home or at the office.”
 – KimSmodic
Chief Information Security Officer

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