Page 24 - NWS December 2024 Digital Playbill
P. 24
TRIBUTES Cindy and Paul Idell
and the NWS League
Kind, fun, dedicated, willing and able to turn Cindy and
their deep intelligence and empathy into actions Paul Idell
that benefit others! Their involvement with and
contribution to New West Symphony has been
done humbly and quietly, but it’s so plentiful, you Many years ago when I moved to
don’t have to dig very deep to find it!
Westlake Village, I met Cindy Idell at a
Sheila Schwedes New West Symphony League meeting.
I admired how dedicated she was to
Dedicated, passionate, hard-working, talented the League and how she was willing to
are only a few superlatives to describe Cindy commit endless energy to keeping our
and Paul Idell. Their continuous volunteerism orchestra and educational programs
and support of the New West Symphony are thriving. Joining the League was an
examples of their generous spirit. Warm wishes easy decision for me. Over the years I
to you and yours. also observed the wonderful support
Your friends, John and Nadine Kawaguchi of Cindy’s husband Paul, who faithfully
attended our events and acted as our
Cindy has a seemingly bottomless commitment photographer on several occasions.
to the NWS. I worked closely with her a few Cindy and Paul truly deserve the
years ago and no one worked harder and took recognition they are receiving tonight.
on multiple projects like Cindy. She managed They are tireless supporters of the New
the monthly newsletter, helped with the Gala, West Symphony!
manned any table that needed help, and all with
a smile and enthusiasm. She is an inspiration to Dr. Denise J. Danne
us all, and truly wants no recognition for her Cindy and Paul are amazing!
work: the heart of a volunteer. Congratulations
to Cindy and Paul! Lee Mooney
Love, Camille and Gary Sindell Heartfelt congratulations to Cynthia and
Paul for their unwavering support of the
Dear Cindy and Paul, our organization would New West Symphony.
not be the same without your dedication
and support! Heather Robinson
Congratulations and thank you!
Michael Christie and Natalia Staneva
Since the earliest days of the New
Cindy Idell’s leadership of the New West
Symphony League has been outstanding, but West Symphony, members of the NWS
League have consistently demonstrated
with husband, Paul, backing her (and us) up it an unsurpassed level of dedicated,
has been positively awesome! Thank you both.
creative and enthusiastic service. The
Betsy Chess Symphony and its many supporters and
audience have been the beneficiaries of
Our special thanks to Cindy and Paul and the this extraordinary group of volunteers.
New West Symphony.
Heartfelt thanks and a very loud
Pat Richards Dodds and Tom Dodds thank you. Congratulations.
Paul Finkel, MD
24 | New West Symphony