Page 26 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
P. 26

in memoriam

            Al Hilde, Jr.                                    “We, our community and the world lost a remarkable
            The Grand Teton Music Festival family mourns the   person–Al Hilde. On behalf of the entire Grand Teton
            loss of Al Hilde, Jr., who passed away at his home in   Music Festival, the orchestra and the community, we
                             Jackson, Wyoming on July 28,    send his wife Jayne and his family our love and our
                             2023, surrounded by loved ones.  condolences. We will miss this remarkable, very funny
                                                             man,” said Sir Donald Runnicles.
                             Al was born on May 25, 1933,
                             and was a decorated             Joseph Clifford Bennett
                             varsity athlete before attending   Joseph (Joe) Clifford Bennett passed away on
                             the University of Minnesota and   March 7, 2023 in Salt Lake City, Utah. The Grand
                             studying Business Administration.   Teton Music Festival community
                             After serving two years in the US   mourns the loss of this dedicated,
                             Army, Al married the love of his   adventurous and generous man.
                             life, Jayne, and together they had   Joe was born August 26, 1932, in
                             five children–Tim, Todd, Bret,   Minneapolis, Minnesota and later
                             Carol and Ann.
                                                             graduated from Stanford University.
                             Al was the Founder of Satellite   Between his bachelor’s and master’s
                             Industries, which brought       degrees, he met his wife Gainor while
                             outdoor restroom facilities to the   working in New York City. The pair
                             construction industry and became    were married in January 1958 and
            an international business, as he opened markets   had two children, Meridan and Sarah.
            throughout Europe, Asia and South America.
            In addition to his business accomplishments, Al was   Joe led a successful career in mining
                                                             and business consulting, working
            an active member of his community, serving as May-
            or of Plymouth, Minnesota for more than a decade.  between South America and New York
                                                             before moving his family to Salt Lake
            His love of music was a lifelong theme. As Plymouth’s   City in 1971 to take a role as CEO of a
            mayor, he championed an annual outdoor concert that   small mining company. After that company was sold,
            brought the Minnesota Orchestra to the community.    he became established as an independent mining
            When he and Jayne built their home in Jackson,   and business consultant, working well into his 70s.
            Wyoming, they brought their passion for supporting   For the last 50 years, Joe divided his time between
            the arts.
                                                             Salt Lake City and Jackson, Wyoming. He was a
            Al was a pillar of the Grand Teton Music Festival   gifted businessman, a passionate aviator and a
            community. He served on the Festival Board from   dedicated philanthropist who gave much of himself
            1995-2000 and 2004-2009, and was subsequently    supporting numerous charitable endeavors, including
            elected as a Lifetime Director. From 1997-1998, Al led   the Utah Symphony, the Grand Teton Music Festival
            the Board as president. During his tenure, he helped   and the Community Foundation of Jackson Hole.
            launch “Music in the Hole,” GTMF’s outdoor Fourth of   Joe, a GTMF Lifetime Director, served on the Festival
            July concert. Now known as the Jayne and Al Hilde,   Board for over a decade (1997-2008), including as
            Jr. Patriotic Pops, this key, free community program   Board President from 1999-2000.
            engages thousands each Independence Day.
                                                             “Joe was a backbone supporter of the Festival, and
            Al’s vision, leadership, and generosity also transformed    he was always there. You knew you could count on
            the Festival’s financial future. Together with fellow   Joe and his wife Gainor, and that Joe always had the
            Board member Stan Seidler, Al chaired the For a   best interests of the Festival at heart,” remembers
            Sound Future Campaign. Aimed at growing the Festival   former Board Chair and GTMF Business Administrator
            endowment, the campaign secured more than        Margot Walk.
            $10 million in gifts and bequests. The endowment
            funds he helped put in place support the Festival’s
            music and musicians each and every summer.

            24    Grand Teton Music Festival  Season 63
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