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               GTMF On the Road:                                 Goodman Memorial Garden near Walk Festival
               Free Community Concerts                           Hall’s north entrance. Teton County/Jackson Parks
               GTMF On the Road is an initiative by the Grand    & Recreation and GTMF have launched a week-long
               Teton Music Festival to bring live classical music to   program, the Camp Jackson Music Festival, which
               audiences in Teton County and surrounding         takes place in late June and offers music lessons to
               communities through free concerts performed       Camp Jackson participants throughout the week
               by Festival Orchestra musicians. Stoner Family    culminating with a performance on the final day.
               Education Curator Meaghan Heinrich leads          Practice Kindergarten and GTMF have partnered
               programs that are accessible to all ages and bring   to create an early childhood music education class
               music to life with explanations and demonstrations.   that will introduce participants to the kindergarten
                                                                 music classroom.
               Community partners include Coombs Outdoors,
               Hole Food Rescue/Sprout Mobile, Jackson Hole      GTMF On the Road is made possible by program
               Community Band, JH Land Trust/Greenspace on the   sponsors Mary & Don Shockey and is supported in
               Block, Pierre’s Theatre, St. John’s Health/Sage Living,   part by a Competitve Grant from the Community
               Teton County/Jackson Parks & Recreation, Teton    Foundation of Jackson Hole.
               County Library, Teton Literacy Center, Teton Music   The Donald Runnicles Musical Arts
               School, Teton Raptor Center, Teton Science Schools/  Scholarship Competition
               Murie Ranch, Teton Village Association and Valley of
               the Tetons Library.                               The Grand Teton Music Festival is proud to present
                                                                 the 7  Annual Scholarship Competition in honor
               For the latest schedule, visit  of Music Director Sir Donald Runnicles. The
               Musical Adventures                                competition is open to graduating high school
                                                                 seniors from Wyoming, Idaho and Montana pursuing
               Led by Stoner Family Education Curator Meaghan    a music degree in college.
               Heinrich, these free events are fun, informative and
               engaging music sessions for young children and    Six semifinalists will be invited to perform for a panel
               their adult caretakers. Geared for listeners ages one   of judges including Maestro Runnicles at Walk
               through five, classes will also be fun and accessible   Festival Hall in Teton Village. Three finalists will be
               for all ages.                                     chosen to compete for $50,000. The semi-finals
                                                                 performances on Saturday, July 20 at 10 AM and
               Mondays, June 24-August 12 at 9 AM & 10 AM at     finals performances on Sunday, July 21 at 1 PM  are
               Greenspace on the Block                           free and open to the public.
               Tuesdays, June 25-August 13 at 10 AM at Teton
               Village Commons                                   Details at
               Thursday, July 4 at 6 PM at Center for the Arts Lawn  Funds for scholarships are provided by a generous
               Wednesdays, July 10 & 24 at 10 AM at Ruby Carson   anonymous donation.
               Memorial Park, Tetonia, ID
                                                                 Education Partnerships
               Summer Camps with GTMF                            This summer, GTMF will partner with music education
               GTMF partners with local summer camps to create   organizations in Jackson to connect Festival
               access to music lessons and opportunities for camp   musicians and local music students. Teton Music
               participants. Coombs Outdoors and GTMF have       School’s Summer Strings camp for middle school
               created the summer-long Coombs Ukulele Club,      students will be visited by a resident string quartet
               which offers ukulele lessons to Coombs participants   for a special performance and clinic instruction.
               once a week for the duration of the summer,       High school students performing in the Jackson Hole
               followed by a public performance on Friday,       Youth Orchestra will work with a guest conductor and
               August 9 at 6:30 PM in the Barbara Furrer
                                                                 GTMF Festival musicians for their summer session.

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