Page 39 - GTMF 2024 Season Program
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sir donald runnicles

               Music Director

               Over the course of a career spanning 45 years,    includes a new production of Richard Strauss’ Die
               Sir Donald Runnicles has built his reputation on    Frau Ohne Schatten and revivals of the Zemlinsky
               enduring relationships with major symphonic and    one-act Der Zwerg (The Dwarf), Arabella, Intermezzo,
               operatic institutions. Focusing on depth over breadth,   Tristan und Isolde and Verdi’s Don Carlo. He returns
               he has held chief artistic leadership positions at the   twice to Sydney Symphony over the course of the
               Deutsche Oper Berlin (since 2009), San Francisco   season and makes guest appearances in Chicago,
               Opera (1992-08), Grand Teton Music Festival       Houston, Pittsburgh, Detroit and Cincinnati.
               (since 2005), BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra     Runnicles tours regularly with the DOB to destinations
               (2009-16), and Orchestra of St. Luke’s (2001-07).   such as the Edinburgh International Festival, the
               Maestro Runnicles was also Principal Guest        London Proms, Royal Opera Oman and Dubai. He
               Conductor of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra for   has joined the Philadelphia Orchestra in tours to
               more than two decades (2001-23), and he is the    China, summer residencies at Bravo! Vail Music
               first ever Principal Guest Conductor of the Sydney   Festival in Colorado, and annual subscription concerts.
               Symphony Orchestra (since 2019). In February 2024,   A frequent guest conductor with the Chicago
               Runnicles was appointed as Chief Conductor of the   Symphony, Runnicles’ performance history dates
               Dresden Philharmonic, which will begin with the   back to 1997. Over a decade-long relationship with
               2025-26 season.                                   the Vienna State Opera, he led new productions of
               Known as a consummate Wagnerian and conductor     Parsifal, Britten’s Billy Budd and Peter Grimes, as well
               of German Romantic repertoire, Maestro Runnicles   as core repertoire pieces.
               leads the DOB this season in a new production of   Runnicles’ extensive discography includes recordings
               the Richard Strauss rarity, Intermezzo, directed by   of Wagner’s Tristan und Isolde, Mozart’s Requiem,
               Tobias Kratzer, as well as revival performances of   Orff’s Carmina Burana, Britten’s Billy Budd,
               Parsifal and two full cycles of Wagner’s Ring des    Humperdinck’s Hänsel und Gretel, Bellini’s I Capuleti
               Nibelungen cycle. At the Metropolitan Opera,      e i Montecchi, and Aribert Reimann’s L’invisible. His
               he conducted eight performances of the Otto       recording of Wagner arias with Jonas Kaufmann
               Schenk production of Tannhäuser. Other 2023-24    and the Orchestra of the Deutsche Oper Berlin
               appearances included the Dresden Philharmonic,    won the 2013 Gramophone prize for Best Vocal
               Dallas Symphony, Cincinnati Symphony and          Recording, and his recording of Janáček’s Jenůfa
               Utah Symphony, where he led the world premiere    with the Orchestra and Chorus of the Deutsche
               of a new concerto written and performed by Sir     Oper Berlin was nominated for a 2016 GRAMMY®
               Stephen Hough.                                    award for Best Opera Recording.
               Runnicles spends his summers at the Grand Teton   Sir Donald Runnicles was born and raised in Edinburgh,
               Music Festival in Jackson, Wyoming. This eight-week   Scotland. He was appointed OBE in 2004, and was
               festival of symphonic and chamber music, five of   made a Knight Bachelor in 2020. He holds honorary
               which are programmed, planned and conducted       degrees from the University of Edinburgh, the Royal
               by Runnicles as Music Director, takes place amid    Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, and the San
               the breathtaking beauty of Grand Teton National   Francisco Conservatory of Music.
               Park. In Summer 2024, GTMF highlights include a
               semi-staged Magic Flute, concerts with Augustin
               Hadelich and Yo-Yo Ma, and two Fifth Symphonies
               by Mahler and Vaughan Williams.
               Runnicles’ 2024-25 season opens with a
               70  Birthday celebratory concert closing the
               Edinburgh Festival—Bruckner 9  Symphony—after
               which he opens the Dresden Philharmonic season
               and then continues to Berlin for a concert with
               the Deutsche Oper Berlin Orchester as part of the
               Berlin Festival. Runnicles’ DOB 2024-25 season

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