Page 5 - SRMF 2024 Season Program Book
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On behalf of the Board of The Board of Trustees has member
Trustees of Sunriver Music worked hard this past year, along Jodie Bis-
Festival, I welcome you to our with Executive Director, Meagan chof. Over
47 Season. Our Artistic Director Iverson, her staff, our many $700,000
& Conductor, Brett Mitchell, volunteers, and Artistic Director in schol-
now in his third season with the Brett Mitchell, to make sure we arships
Festival, has planned an exciting fulfill this mission. have been
program for our world-class I would like to highlight a awarded to
orchestral musicians, including new partnership that has exceptional
three outstanding soloists, all been started by the Festival young clas-
coming from all over North in elementary schools in La sical music Dr. Ronald Carver
America to perform this August. Pine, Sunriver, and Bend called students
For 47 years this Festival has “Mindful Music Moments”. This from throughout Central Ore-
been part of the fabric of Central program has been spearheaded gon in those years. A number of
Oregon and truly has fostered by Board member Jackie Kreitzer, those students have gone onto
for so many in our community who grew up in Bend, spent careers in classical music and
a lifelong love of classical music a career as an international several have even become part
and allowed our spirits to soar in opera singer, and retired back of the Sunriver Music Festival
the process. to Bend. This project, that began orchestra or featured soloists.
Over 2,300 years ago, Plato said in Cincinnati, provides 3-5 Kahlil Gibran said “Music is the
“Music gives a soul to the universe, minutes of classical music at the language of the spirit. It opens
wings to the mind, flight to the beginning of every school day to the secret of life bringing peace,
imagination, and life to everything.” help elementary students quiet abolishing strife.” At this time
More recently, Beyoncé said “I down after breakfast and center of conflict in our nation and
cannot imagine my life if I didn’t their minds so they can focus on throughout the world, it is our
have a music program in my learning. We were highlighted sincere hope that your spirits
school.” These quotes really by Central Oregon Daily News will be lifted, your lives enhanced
speak to the twofold mission in April and school teachers and and peace brought to your souls
of Sunriver Music Festival – “to staff comment it has made a real by the wonderful music we will
present world-class orchestral difference this year for children enjoy during these two weeks
performances to our extended and for teachers too. in Bend and Sunriver. A warm
community and to support music This is the 29th year of the welcome to you all!
education throughout Central Young Artist Scholarship pro- Dr. Ronald Carver, President,
Oregon”. gram directed by long time Board Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Officers
Dr. Ronald Carver, President
Mal Murphy, Vice President
Steven Runner, Treasurer
Richard Fawcett, Corporate Secretary
Clyde Thompson, Past President
Joy Fabos, Ben Lulich, Douglas Walter
Musicians' Representatives
Board of Trustees Members
Rhett Bender Richard Frazier Clay Richmond
Jodie Bischof Breanna Hatch Jenn Schaake
Jan Bull Susan Evans Inman Christine Smrtka
Christian Clark Jacalyn Kreitzer Jon Thompson
Richard Fawcett Douglass Myers David Weilmuenster
Sunriver Music Festival Board of Trustees, May 2024 Dan Flaxman
SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL 541.593.1084 2024 - 5