Page 78 - Training 2019
P. 78

Queries to work with objections:

           1.  What are your thoughts so far?
           2.  What other issues do you think we should discuss before we go further?

        Queries to define the potential effect of your services or goods:

           1.  If you make these changes, what do you believe the outcomes will be?
           2.  What will the reaction of your boss be if you find a way out?
           3.  How will the solution influence you personally?

        Clarifying queries:

           1.  Could you get deeper into this?
           2.  Can you specify this?

        Closing queries:

           1.  When do you want me to call again? / When do you want to meet again?
           2.  How are decisions taken in your company?
           3.  What do we need to be aware of to do business together?

   1.  "What are your short-term goals? Long-term goals?"
   2.  "What does this purchase mean to you? What does it mean to your company?"
   3.  "What is your boss hoping to accomplish in the next year?"
   4.  "How do your team objectives play into your department's strategy?"
   5.  "What do you perceive as your greatest strength? Weakness?"
   6.  "How does your company evaluate the potential of new products or services?"
   7.  "Who has your business now? Why did you choose that supplier?"
   8.  "What are your buying criteria and success criteria?"
   9.  "Where would you put the emphasis regarding price, quality, and service?"
   10. "What level of service are you looking for?"
   11. "What do you like best about your present supplier? What don't you like?"
   12. "What do you look for in the companies you do business with?"
   13. "What might cause you to change suppliers?"
   14. "What do you like best about your current system? What would you like to see
   15. "What do you perceive your needs to be? How important are they?"
   16. "If you were me, how would you proceed?"
   17. "Which trade associations do you belong to?"
   18. "What will it take for us to do business?"
   19. "How soon can we begin?"
   20. "What is my best shot for getting back the account?"
   21. "What did we do in the last sale that impressed you most?"

                                                                  SALES TRAINING – IDENTIFYING OPPORTUNITIES  14
                                                                                              Updated - 24 June 2019
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