Page 19 - Barkev Product Catalogue
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HEAD OFFICE PH: 087 353 9740 / 031 020 0120 FAX: 031-701 3329
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GAUTENG PH:087 353 9642 FAX: 086 512 4091
30 ACCU DYNE TEST Marker Pens
* 16 Standard levels, from 30 through 60 dynes/cm
1. Always store and use ACCU DYNE * Specifically designed for fast, accurate on-line use by printers, coaters,
TEST Marker Pens at room
temperature. and laminators
2. Pull a representative good quality
sample. Anchor it securely on a level - Also ideal for process control or field use by suppliers of film, sheet,
surface without touching or otherwise coated board, inks, coatings, and adhesives
contaminating the area to be tested.
3. Record ambient temperature and - Spring loaded tip meters fluid feed and guards against contamination
humidity. If the sample temperature
differs from ambient, allow it to stabilize. - Reliable enough for many R & D and lab applications
4. Determination of Wetting
4.1 Choose an ACCU DYNE TEST - Hundreds of tests from each marker
Marker Pen about four dynes/cm lower
than the expected treatment level of - Usable on virtually all smooth non-absorptive substrates
your sample.
4.2 Press applicator tip firmly down on - Shelf Life up to 12 - 18 months. Date coded for ISO 9000
the corner of the sample until the tip is
fully saturated with ink - this helps flush - Specify any combination of dyne levels and quantities you require. Min. 6
contamination from the tip.
4.3 Use a light touch to draw the pen - Conveniently packaged in ready to use setup boxes x12
across the sample in two or three
parallel passes. Evaluate the last pass Dyne Test Markers
4.4 If the last ink swath remains wetted Dyne solutions may work well in the lab, but in the shop a more robust device is
out on the test sample for three seconds indicated. This suggests "dyne pens" for online testing. Several types available.
or more, repeat steps 4.2 and 4.3 with
the next higher ACCU DYNE TEST 1.) Nominal go/no go tester: Above a certain treatment, this pen marks the surface;
Marker. If it beads up, tears apart, or below this level, the ink disappears. These pens identify and permanently mark the
shrinks into a single thin line within one treated side of PE and PP films - aside from this, they have little use, since their initial
second, repeat steps 4.2 and 4.3 with an accuracy is undocumentable and their design is subject to contamination.
ACCU DYNE TEST Marker Pen at least
four dynes/cm lower. 2.) Formulated at several dyne levels, enabling the user to test over a range of
4.5 Continue using this technique until treatments. These markers are interpreted based on which dyne level takes closest to
you identify which marker produces the two seconds to form beads (similar to the standard ASTM and TAPPI methods). These
ink swath which holds for one to three test markers are easy to use and, when first used, often quite accurate.
seconds: This is the sample's surface
energy in dynes/cm. Unfortunately, their "Magic Marker" style nibs serve as perfect conduits for
4.6 Results of this test can be contamination of almost any kind, including plasticizers, slip additives, etc. The very
interpolated for improved accuracy. wicking qualities - graphically depicted below - which facilitate their use make them
self-contaminating as well. This dynamic interaction between the instrument and the
substrate essentially eliminates wicking style applicators for serious dyne testing
3.) The ACCU-DYNE-TEST Marker Pen, which is based on a valve
tip applicator. The principe is simple: Keep the testing part of the pen
away fom the fluid storage part of the pen (in other words,no wicking
from the substrate). The diagram at the left demonstrates how that's
accomplished; by pressing the tip firmly down, the valve is opened and
fresh fluid floods the tip; this flushes it clean, and allows the tester to
lightly pass over the sample to accurately determine dyne level. Results
are based on how long the test solution takes to form beads on the
sample surface.
Suggested Corona Treatment Levels
Flexo Printing Screen Printing Coating / Laminating
Material Solvent Water UV Solvent Water UV Solvent Water UV
LDPE 36-40 39-44 40-50 36-40 39-44 40-50 36-40 39-44 40-50
HDPE 35-40 38-44 38-50 35-40 38-44 38-50 35-40 38-44 38-50
PET 40-46 44-52 42-54 40-46 44-52 42-54 40-46 44-52 42-54
PP 36-40 38-44 40-50 36-40 38-44 40-50 36-40 38-44 40-50
PVC 36-40 38-44 36-50 36-40 38-44 36-50 36-40 38-44 36-50
896-15(133) AYM (031) 7085002