Page 14 - NASC Safety Report 2022
P. 14
Brand Energy & Infrastructure
Services UK Ltd T/A Lyndon SGB
Table 5: Accident Figures - Third Parties and Members of the Public
n Third Party Injuries n Members of the public
Number of Injuries 30 33
Injuries to Third Parties 3 7
& Members of the public 20 14 14 19 16 5 15 20 15 16
4 0 0
10 11 0 11 10
Each year the NASC identifies all accidents/ injuries that relate to third parties (i.e. non-scaffolding 7 8 9 9 2 1
trades working on the same site) or to members of the general public. 2 1 0 6 7 7 1
4 0 4 2 4
THE PUBLIC pulled him backwards after a SIZED COMPANIES 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
scaffolding operative shouted "look
Each year the NASC identifies all out below" and his helmet fell off. He As part of their reporting process the
accidents / injuries that relate to third suffered a 40mm laceration. NASC also identifies the total number of
parties (i.e. non-scaffolding trades accidents reported relative to the size of Table 6: Frequency of Accidents in Different Sized Companies
working on the same site) or to • A third party was working on site, the individual companies.
members of the general public. a scaffolding clip fell from one of the
floors above and landed on his back, Table 6 indicates the experience of different
Since 2002, NASC members have resulting in injury. sized firms (for their own operatives).
been asked to differentiate between This table shows that the majority of
accidents involving third parties or Falls from height - people incidents are suffered by operatives Number of Accidents to Workers (non-fatal) Accidents to members of Public (non-fatal) Fatalities to members accidents - 3rd parties
members of the public as part of their • A contractor went onto a scaffold working for small companies (with Number of All company Sub Contractors All company Total Operative Sum of 3rd party Arrested by Safety
reporting procedures. that was being dismantled to complete between 21 and 50 operatives). The 21 Company Size Companies Employees All company Total Fatalities of the Public Number of Fatalities Harnesses RIDDOR Diseases
some works. They failed to notice the incidents these companies recorded
INJURIES TO THIRD PARTIES operatives striking and walked off a set represent 23% of all incidents seen 1 - 20 73 870 25 895 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
of overhanging boards, falling 6ft. in 2021 despite the 3,123 operatives (VERY SMALL)
In 2021, there were four incidents employed by these members only 21 - 50
reported for injuries to third parties. Slips and trips on the same level representing 20% of the total NASC (SMALL) 95 2,949 174 3,123 20 1 1 0 1 0 0 0
These related to falls from height member operative workforce.
by materials (2), falls from height by • A roofer suffered cuts and bruises 51 - 100 41 2,836 95 2,931 32 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
persons (1) and slips and trips on the when a scaffold board snapped and Small Medium (51-100) company
same level (1). The details of these their leg went through the board. operatives suffered 32 injuries (36% of 101 - 200 20 2,339 356 2,695 19 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
incidents are as follows: the total) despite only representing 19% (MEDIUM)
MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC of the total workforce.
201 - 1000 5 1,613 143 1,756 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Falls from height – materials The sole incident relating to a member Conversely, there were only six injuries (MEDIUM - LARGE)
of the public was due to an individual reported by Large members (1,001+ 1001+
• An intermediate transom fell from a tripping over a foot tie while distracted operatives), whose 4,220 operatives (LARGE) 3 4,020 200 4,220 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
lift, catching a passing tradesperson by using their mobile phone. They make up 27% of the total number of
who was on the designated walkway suffered a fractured arm. NASC operatives. TOTAL 237 14,627 993 15,620 89 1 1 0 4 0 0 0
14 > NASC NASC > 15