Page 21 - NASC Safety Report 2022
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Falls from Height attempt to learn from the findings of provide improved levels of scaffolder
this safety report and bring about a safety when working at height. This NASC:
With great potential for serious reduction of future incidents occurring document, which will shortly be
injuries and in some cases even within our industry, current initiatives available, builds on the core principles
fatalities, the number of reported falls include the following: of SG4:15, but has been updated to
from height incidents is concerning. • With slips and trips continuing to reflect recent advances within the Support & guidance
Incidents resulting in injury included be one of the major causes of injuries industry, as well as providing greater
operatives working unsafely (i.e. in within the scaffolding industry, the scope and additional information
contravention of SG4 requirements) NASC is issuing posters to remind regarding safe working practices.
attempting to gain access by operatives and supervision to be It is the NASC's intention that
unsuitable means and falls from this revised document will enable
ladders and vehicles. continually vigilant and aware of
the associated hazards which are scaffolding contractors to continue to
It is essential that all work at height common to most construction sites demonstrate industry best practice.
is closely monitored to ensure and to assess, improve condition With the launch of this document,
compliance with SG4 procedures and report all hazards to appropriate all scaffolders should be given The NASC works with key industry
and risk assessments. Incidents persons without delay. instruction to refresh their organisations – driving up scaffolding
may also be prevented by closer safety standards, recommending
supervision and more frequent site • An updated video is currently under understanding of the essential good practice and keeping ahead of
safety walkabouts / inspections development to improve operative principles of SG4, as well as the developments in the rapidly evolving
conducted by management and understanding in the principles of revised guidance intended to improve construction industry.
supervision. Where evidence of non- manual handling, in line with SG6 safe working at height. Many representatives from the
compliance with SG4 is identified, guidance. The new video will contain • Health and Safety, CISRS and top organisations listed below are
refresher training for operatives may simple and concise information ASITO committees will, in addition be
be required. to provide enhanced training for considering the findings of this report, members of NASC committees –
operatives. focusing on particular areas of good
The NASC and its members are with the intention of developing practice, including Health & Safety.
committed in their drive to move • An improved version of SG4 (SG4:22 new initiatives to further reduce the
the industry forward on all matters Preventing falls in scaffolding number of accidents and incidents Closer ties are constantly being
relating to health and safety. In an operations) has been developed to most common within our industry. developed with industry organisations.
Significantly, links with HSE and Build
UK help to mould requirements, and
HEALTH & SAFETY involvement with BSI and CEN and
developing links with Europe (through
UEG) are essential to the role of the
COMMITTEE COMMENT NASC in the UK construction industry.
NASC core safety
objectives are...
Have an incident-free safety record
The last two years have been industry. Over the years the NASC financial and logistical problems in
extremely challenging in the has witnessed significant reductions the economy affect contracts and Ensure scaffolders can work safely
construction industry due to the in slips, trips and falls on the same the labour market – making the throughout their career
Covid-19 pandemic shutdowns and level and material handling following contribution to health and safety by
increase in material costs. With NASC training and guidance focus. the NASC a significant benefit and a Enable all scaffolding companies
the re-opening of the economy the driving force within the construction to draw on NASC experience and
challenges are now fuel costs, labour We continue to work with our industry. guidance – raising safety standards
shortages (low unemployment, membership in the areas of manual across the industry
lack of skilled labour and sickness handling and safe working at height Continuously audit NASC members
absence) and labour costs. to reduce injuries further. With an to ensure they follow industry
increase in smaller businesses guidance and best practice
Despite these challenges the NASC joining the NASC, we are committed
continues to attract company to safeguarding the areas of Update Safety Guidance and
membership across the full range induction and safety training as key Technical Guidance on a five-year
of business size with an overall 3% performance indicators for all NASC cycle, as a minimum
increase in the last 12 months. membership.
Health and safety improvements The pressures across the
and adherence to guidance is of construction industry are reflected Alan Harris
critical importance in the scaffolding in the scaffolding sector where NASC Health & Safety Committee Chair
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