Page 4 - NASC Safety Report 2022
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YEAR ARE FROM MANUAL HANDLING* Will £96.35 President’s
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Welcome to the 2022 NASC Safety Report, These are incredible statistics, ones that done; produce, publish and review NASC
which contains NASC Contractor member should be celebrated, because achieving guidance titles to make sure scaffolding
accident statistics and analysis relating to them is no mean feat. It requires the desire contractors – NASC members and non-
the 2021 calendar year. to place safety and compliance at the heart members alike – have the information they
of all activities, something that is central to require to work safely and compliantly.
This report contains a lot of numbers, which
MANUAL HANDLING must on the one hand be taken at face value the NASC’s core objectives and ethos. But we’ll also do more to ensure this
but on the other be viewed as a gateway And yet, as we’re the NASC, the trade body information is as accessible as possible.
to greater understanding about NASC for access and scaffolding in the UK, we’re We’ve recently uploaded all 100+ NASC
MATTERS Contractor member safety standards – what always striving for better. guidance titles to the NASC ePortal,
we’re doing well and what improvements
can be made. Which is why we want to look beyond the meaning that NASC Contractor members
numbers to understand how the incidents
can call upon this information at the click
TASK LOAD Let’s address the numbers first. recorded in this Report occurred and what of a button whenever they need it and
can be done to prevent accidents from
Consider the activity, i.e. the lifting, lowering, Consider the object that is being moved, There were 90 accidents recorded by happening in the future. wherever they are.
carrying, pushing or pulling, repetitive is it heavy, bulky or unstable? 237 NASC Contractor members during We’re open to learning, drawing out trends
movements, strenuous movements, long 2021. This shows that members continue We’ve taken giant safety strides in the in the incident data and implementing
distances, or uneven weight distribution. to operate to exceptionally high safety past few decades. Table 1 on page nine changes to address them. This report
ENVIRONMENT standards. shows just how far we’ve come, with core contains a number of areas for further work
INDIVIDUAL Consider the area. Are there any space Assuming the incidents befell 90 separate Health and Safety and Technical guidance in the Key Findings and Next Steps section
combined with greater scrutiny of materials
starting on page 19.
constraints? Is the floor slippery or uneven?
individuals, that means 15,530 of the 15,620 and equipment significantly improving
Consider your capabilities, how strong, Is there sufficient lighting? Are there
operatives employed by the NASC as a standards, resulting in plummeting incident The NASC continues to set the standards
fit or able are you? Do you need help? any trip hazards? SG6:15
whole – equating to 99.4% - went through numbers. for scaffolding and endeavours to equip
Manual handling in the scaffolding industry
*Statistic derived from figures published in the last five annual
2021 without incurring an ‘over seven day’ contractors and the construction industry
NASC Safety Reports The data seems to show that we’ve reached
injury. as a whole with the information required to
REFER TO SG6 MANUAL HANDLING, AVAILABLE FROM THE NASC WEBSITE a plateau in recent years, with an average of work in a safe and compliant manner at all
What’s more, the data shows that 181 NASC
September 2015 just over 90 incidents recorded since 2013. times.
Contractor members, 76% of the total, had
VISIT: WWW.NASC.ORG.UK no RIDDOR reportable accidents during So, how do we push forwards? Together we can drive our exceptional safety
EMAIL: ENQUIRIES@NASC.ORG.UK 2021. We’ll continue to do what we’ve always standards higher still.
CALL: 020 7822 7400
Lynn Way, NASC President
NASC > 05