Page 11 - Scaffolding Magazine 2022
P. 11                                                                                   Awards n

               structure built at once rather than a   Innovation of the Year
               section then moved. This entailed   Sponsor: PERI Ltd
               the additional expense in purchasing   Winner: Layher Ltd
               additional materials and dessa   Innovation: Layher Allround
               beams amounting to hundreds of   AGS Façade System
               thousands of pounds.
                 The client required the work   The aim of the Layher Allround AGS
               to be completed to the original   Facade System was to simplify
               programme which presented      and enhance facade scaffold
               particular resource challenges   installation, with the focus on the
               including labour and materials.  key benefits of safety, speed and
                 Excessive manual handling was   versatility.
               overcome by using rail vehicles to   The AGS system comprises of
               crane materials onto a large loading   2m standard[s], with integrated
               platform built by us at ground level.   innovative quick-release loading
               Also, a goods/passenger hoist   levers, in which the specifically
               was used for the transportation of   developed guardrails slot into and
               operatives and materials. Separate   are retained against falling out by
               hoists were used in erecting the   mans of a special milled slot.
               large beams spanning the arches.  Importantly, these levers are    Red levers enable   the user to react flexibly to
                 Constant interaction throughout   coloured red so as to enable a    a rapid visual check   requirements that may arise on
               the project with the designer and   rapid visual check of an entire         site – for example, all other Layher
               client was required to overcome   structure to be made from ground          Allround components, hop-up
               unforeseen issues with the existing   level. The 2m standard is also        brackets, stairs, loading bays and
               structure and environment and   equipped with a rosette at 1m               much more can become part of
               logistical problems with the   high, so as when combined                    an AGS installation, integrating
               isolated location of the viaduct.   with standard Layher Allround it        seamlessly.
               Two separate compounds were set   facilitates the fitment of transoms         Continuous equipment
               up in fields to receive the loads of   at deck level and in doing so        innovation and improvements are
               materials required.            integrates seamlessly with the               vital to Layher – much of which
                                              rest of the standard Allround                has been inspired by customer
                                              scaffolding.                                 feedback, also a vital contributing
                                               The Layher Allround AGS system              factor towards the success of any
                                              uses lightweight materials, which            new product development – the
                                              not only aid the manual handling             strategic partnership is important
                                              process but also, because of                 as the firm designs/manufactures
                                              its dimensions, help to optimise             only and does not erect, so
                                              transportation and storage – once            buildability feedback is needed to
                                              installed, extensions can be readily         then improve initial prototypes.
                                              added, regardless of the existing
                                              structure’s layout.                                  The Layher Allround
                                               A key benefit is the                                AGS enhances the
                                              interchangeability of minimal                system's independence and
                                              specific components, whilst                  enables the user to react
                                              maintaining customers pre-existing           flexibly to requirements that
                                              investments in existing product.             may arise on site
                                               The Layher Allround AGS
                                              enhances the system’s
                                              independence and enables

                                                                                               SCAFFOLDING MAGAZINE 2022  | 11

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