Page 108 - Microsoft Word - SCI KS2 Y3 Y4 gs.doc
P. 108
Science Y3/Y4 – Weather – week 7
1. What is the air surrounding the earth called? ______________________________ (1 mark)
2. Write six weather words _________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________ (6 marks)
3. Draw a labelled picture of an experiment you did to show that air presses in all directions.
(2 marks)
4. Who can control the weather? ____________________________________________ (1 mark)
5. What was a sun dial used for in the past? __________________________________ (1 mark)
6. What do we use to measure temperature? __________________________________ (1 mark)
7. What is an anemometer used to measure? __________________________________ (1 mark)
8. Put the eight points of the compass in this circle.
(8 marks)
9. Wind is m______________ a_______.
(2 marks)
10. Which sailor invented a scale to measure the wind? __________________________ (1 mark)
11. Give the name of two very strong winds. _______________ ____________________ (2 marks)
12. Name two different clouds. ____________________ ______________________ (2 marks)
13. How are clouds formed? __________________________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ (4 marks)
Total = 30 marks