Page 80 - Microsoft Word - SCI KS2 Y3 Y4 gs.doc
P. 80
Weather – week 10
Genesis 9:13 ‘God said, “I have set my _______________ in the _______________ and it will be the
sign of the _______________ between me and the _______________’
Draw a rainbow and label the colours.
Explain in your own words how a rainbow is formed.
Make your own colour spinner.
Equipment: Scissors, card, compass, pencil, pointed stick.
1. Cut out a circle of white card with a diameter of 10 centimetres.
2. Divide it up into seven sections (51 degrees, if you can use a protractor)
3. Colour each section with one of the rainbow colours.
4. Make a hole in the centre for your stick.
5. Spin the circle quickly. What do you see?