Page 24 - Resources
P. 24
With the passage of time, however, the people of Athens began to forget the mercy
which the ‘unknown god’ had bestowed upon them. The altars were neglected and the
people returned to worship the several hundred gods who had proved helpless to
remove the curse from their city. The stones became loose and grass and moss grew
over the ruins.
That such a happening ever occurred is verified in several recorded texts.
A Greek author confirms there was a plague in Athens which a Cretan named
Epimenides responded to and that led to a treaty of friendship between Athens and
In Acts 17, Luke describes the visit of Paul to Athens. In verse 16 he notes the city
was full of idols. In verse 17 he reasoned with the Jews in the synagogue then the
Athenians in the market-place. In verses 19 and 20 he was brought to a council
meeting to explain the ideas he was teaching. In verses 22-31 Paul revealed to the
Areopagus that the God who had saved them from the plague six hundred years
before was the Lord and Paul was able to preach the whole gospel to them.
Marathon, Greece
From Wikipedia, the free on-line encyclopedia
(Greek Grandeur, Hebrew Heart) 22