Page 43 - Resources
P. 43

Vases used for drinking or pouring (wine or water)

               Kantharos                             Kylix
                                                                             This vase is a kind of ladle or
      This type of drinking-cup is  This drinking-cup is sometimes          small pitcher used for pouring

          often seen held by            called the "symposium-vase,"          wine from the krater into a
               Dionysus in             since it appears often in vase-
      representations on vases.         representations of symposia             drinking-cup. The word
                                                                            oinochoe means "wine-pourer."

                                            Vases used for drawing water

                                                                                     Lebes Gamikos
                                                                               This vase-type has three
                    Hydria                The name of this vase means        pieces: a bowl with handles, a
                                            "carrier of washing-water",
      The name of this three-handled      and the vase was used only in        lid (not shown here), and a
      vase is derived from the Greek       ritual contexts: at weddings,         stand. The term means

       word for water. Hydriai were         to carry the water for the       "marriage bowl," and the vase
        used for drawing water, as                                               was used for the same
       ballot-boxes, and also as urns       bridal bath; in funerals, to      purpose as the loutrophoros
      to hold the ashes of the dead.       carry the water for washing        in wedding rituals--to bring
        They are commonly seen in            the corpse of unmarried           water for the bridal bath.
                                            persons and to mark their
      vase-representations of women        graves. Vases of this shape          Many of these vases are
      drawing water at the fountain-      are commonly decorated with            decorated with scenes
                    house.                                                          depicting wedding
                                              scenes of mourners or             preparations or wedding
                                               wedding processions.

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