P. 84

Science - Y5 – God’s Amazing Matters – week 8

        Cut out the following and create your own newspaper about glass. Add more information and
        pictures of your own if you wish.

                                                       Glass was made 4,000 years ago. It does not fit into

            Glass is made by                           other categories of materials so has a category of

            combining sand, soda and                   its own.

            lime. Other substances are

            added to some glass, eg

            potash, magnesia, alumina

            and various oxides.                            Glass is hard, dense, transparent and
                                                           brittle. It has no pores so gases and liquids
                                                           do not percolate through it.  Cold glass is a
                                                           poor conductor of heat and electricity. It
                                                           doesn’t react with acids and alkalis so is a
                                                           useful container.
           Glass can be recycled again and

           again. Coloured glass should be

           separated into colours so we

           have different recycling bins.                When light passes through, it bends

                                                         slightly. This is called refraction.

           Glass surfaces can be coated in metal but we can still see through them. Sunglasses

           and camera lenses are made in this way.

                                          The Space Shuttle has 37
           Light bulbs are                triple-glazed window            Glass can be blown into
           made of glass.                                                 shapes or poured into
           They are blown                 panes. A space station          moulds. Tubes and rods are
           into shape at high             has hundreds. They have         made for thermometers.
           speeds, even 30                to withstand very high          Making lenses is a very
           seconds.                       temperatures.                   delicate process.

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