P. 78

Science Y2 – Changed in Water – week 2 and 3
                              FINDING OUT MORE ABOUT DISSOLVING

        Will each substance dissolve in water?

                                            Yes or no                                          Yes or no

        Sugar                                               Salt

        My guess                                            My guess

        The result                                          The result

        Did it change the water                             Did it change the water
        colour?                                             colour?

        Tea                                                 Coffee

        My guess                                            My guess

        The result                                          The result

        Did it change the water                             Did it change the water
        colour?                                             colour?

        Jelly                                               Flour

        My guess                                            My guess

        The result                                          The result

        Did it change the water                             Did it change the water
        colour?                                             colour?

        Rice                                                Sand

        My guess                                            My guess

        The result                                          The result

        Did it change the water                             Did it change the water
        colour?                                             colour?

        Oil                                                 Vinegar

        My guess                                            My guess

        The result                                          The result

        Did it change the water                             Did it change the water
        colour?                                             colour?

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