Page 96 - Part One
P. 96
Israel was once again reminded of the sacrifices and offerings that brought them into fellowship
with God through faith. The entry to Canaan was delayed, but the promise remained and the
preparations continued. God did not abandon His people. He had made a covenant with
Abraham and that covenant was to be fulfilled. In the more distant future the true meaning of
that covenant was also going to be fulfilled – eternal salvation through Yeshua for all who
would live by faith. This is one reason why the man who did not observe the Sabbath day was
put to death. Remember the Sabbath Day is an eternal commandment fulfilled in Yeshua – a
visible testimony to the God of Creation. Tassles on the fringes of the men’s garments were,
similarly, to be a continual reminder of God’s laws. God kept His people in the wilderness for
further instruction and did not abandon them or change His requirements of them. They spent
forty years learning their lessons thoroughly.
Pause and reflect on all God’s promises. They are fulfilled in Yeshua despite every problem that
is before us. Remember when He went, in a boat, with His disciples across the lake and a storm
arose. The storm made the disciples fear for their lives. The Lord was asleep in the boat but
awoke to still the storm. He had said that they were going to the other side of the lake and that
was where they were going! Take courage in your own life despite problems that sometimes
arise to dampen our faith. The Lord is taking us to the promised destination that He has prepared
for us – come what may. It may seem that there is a long delay in His coming, but come He will!
Chapter 16. Once again there is layer upon layer of teaching in an incident from the wilderness
years. This time Korah rose up in rebellion against Moses. God has a structure for His authority.
It is for Him to choose whom He will appoint for the various offices and responsibilities among
His people. God’s ways are not our ways so we must be careful not to usurp authority but to
seek to find our own role and purpose before God. The plague on Israel was a very real incident
as was the moment when the ground opened up to swallow Korah and those who followed him
into rebellion. In this chapter we have an important and relevant study about authority. Yeshua is
now the One whom God the Father has appointed with all authority to lead us to the eternal
Kingdom. As Mary, His mother, said at the wedding in Cana, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”
As the Father said on the Mount of Transfiguration, “This is My Beloved Son, Listen to Him.”
Congregations of believers will only be strong under the authority of Yeshua, who strengthens
His Church through gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit. Each one is appointed according to
His choosing.
Some people do not like to think of a real Hell, which is likened to a pit. If Korah and those who
rebelled against Moses were swallowed up in a pit, then we should also take seriously the fate of
those who rebel against Yeshua.
Moses interceded for Israel and made atonement for them. The wrath of God turned away from
the Israelites once more. Yeshua lives to intercede for His people in fulfillment of this
experience in the wilderness. We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s plan and listened to
the voices that rise up against God in a rebellious world. Thank God for His Son Yeshua who
stands in the gap for us, but we must respond to His authoritative voice. All who remain rebels
will perish like Korah.
Psalm 2. Include this Psalm as part of your meditations today. It draws on the principles that we
have studied from the days of Moses, and shows us their fulfillment through Yeshua. The world
around us is rising in rebellion once more. This rebellion will reach a peak, but the enemies of