Page 59 - Microsoft Word - SCI KS2 Y3 Y4 gs.doc
P. 59
God’s amazing creatures – week 7
In the spring
snails wake up
and unblock
their shells to
All snails are
Snails hibernate both male and
in their shells in female so they
winter. can mate with
any snail.
Both snails lay
If it is dry the eggs after
adult snail seals
itself in its shell mating. Eggs are
white balls, laid
until it rains.
under a stone.
The shell cannot A month later
stretch so more the eggs hatch.
shell is added as The young snails
it grows. eat and grow.
Answer the following questions by reading above and by looking in books or on the internet.
1. What do snails eat? _____________________________________
2. Where do we find snails? _____________________________________
3. Do snails hibernate? _____________________________________
4. What do snails do if it is too dry? _____________________________________
5. How long do the snail’s eggs take to hatch? _____________________________________
6. How should you pick up a snail? _____________________________________
7. How do snails move along? _____________________________________