P. 18
Science Y2 – Depths of the Earth – week 6
What do earthworms eat?
They feed on the remains
of dead plants found in the
ground. They eat soil as
they tunnel, taking food
from it and passing the
unwanted soil out of their
bodies. They also feed on
leaves from the surface of
the ground. They pull these
down into their burrows to
eat them in safety.
How do worms breathe?
They do not breathe as we do, as they
have no lungs. Instead, God has
designed that they take in oxygen
through tiny pores in their skin. As
worms tunnel, air gets into the soil.
When there is a heavy downpour, the
worm’s burrow may fill with water and so
the worm will come to the surface to
How do worms see underground?
A worm cannot see, nor hear nor smell. However,
it can feel vibrations in the soil and so it stays
away from danger. A worm can ‘feel’ when it is
raining, because of the vibrations of rain drops on
the soil. 88