P. 36

Science Y2 – Parent Guide
                                                 Food and Growth Test

        Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

        1.     Circle the things that are living.

                       me            a book                 a plant                  a stone

        2.     Living things grow.                                       Yes           No

        3.     My hair is always growing.                                Yes           No

        4.     I will grow taller every year of my life.                 Yes           No

        5.     I can hear my bones growing.                              Yes           No

        6.     I can feel my nails growing.                              Yes           No

        7.     I can tell my feet to stop growing and they will stop.     Yes          No

        8.     My clothes grow too.                                      Yes           No

        9.     Think of something you do which uses lots of energy.


        10.    Do you need energy to sleep?                              Yes           No

        11.    How do you put back the energy you have used?


        12.    Some foods give you more energy than other foods.    Yes                No

        13.    Food can be sorted into different groups.  We need to eat food

                from several groups and not just one group.              Yes           No

        14.    Name one of these groups. __________________________

        15.    Jesus said that we do not live by simply eating food.  We need to

                eat _____________________________ as well.

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