Page 14 - Resources
P. 14

Lesson 7
                                                            T TH HE E   G GO OS SP PE EL L   C CA AM ME E   T TO O   E EN NG GL LA AN ND D
                                                           THE GOSPEL CAME TO ENGLAND

                    4. Augustine’s task was to tell

                         the English people about

                                                                                                                     3. Gregory sent 40

                                                                                                                                       missionaries with

        5. Augustine preached the
         Gospel and the missionaries

         sang. The king of England                                     Canterbury

        and thousands of people                                                                                      to

                                                                                                                     2. Gregory set off for

                                                                                                                       but then came back to
         6. Augustine is buried in the
         cathedral in
                                                            1. Gregory saw

                                                                  (God's Heart for the Nations)         28
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