Page 44 - Resources
P. 44
Lessons 16-17
the scales Deserts have between Oxford has about
0 cm and 25 cm of rain 60 cm of rain each
and colour
in the each year. year.
rainfalls. 20
Describe three different kinds of desert landscape.
Name three ways in which the desert landscape can be changed after reading the boxes
Desert temperatures can When rain falls in the The wind has great power
rise and fall dramatically desert it can be very to pick up particles of sand
with a difference of 25ºC heavy so large amounts of and rock and hurl them
between the minimum and water can quickly flood a against obstacles. The
maximum night and day wide area taking away sand can slowly wear away
temperatures. Even in hot quantities of loose rock. at rock shapes and break
deserts there can be them down. If a hard rock
freezing temperatures. rests on a soft one, the
soft one is more easily
The constant expanding worn away. Odd shapes
and contracting of rocks often result. Flying sand
caused by the temperature can travel hundreds of
changes causes them to miles across the earth.
shatter making the desert This dust is called loess.
full of loose rocks. The desert landscape can
therefore be changed and
(God's Amazing Landscapes) 52