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Message from the                                                                                             From the Desk of the
                  Chairman & CEO                                                                                               Chief Technology Officer

        Since the last Newsletter, it has been an eventful quarter at Veranda Learning Solutions with                          The onset of September brings most of us into completing a year of a quick and exciting
        significant developments.                                                                                              journey at Veranda Learning Solutions. During these challenging pandemic times, while ev-
                                                                                                                               ery business is gradually moving into the digital realm, we are creating ripples in the industry
        Veranda launched programmes for CA and IAS aspirants under the brand of Veranda CA                                     with our digital first strategy and by our constant addition of new programmes for the learners
        and Veranda IAS and made a significant foray into continuing education through an import-                              community. The world has started noticing, Folks!
        ant acquisition; and, in parallel, we are innovating and perfecting our hybrid strategy that is
        being built to truly deliver our products anywhere, anytime, in any form and on any device.                            While the impact of our entry is being discussed among our competitive fraternity, we have
                                                                                                                               spelt out our vision clearly: Providing quality education, with proven outcomes to affordable
        We currently have about 400 students on our CA programme and the team expects to reach                                 India. We all know the goals set out for each of us; to build a strong foundation that promotes
        the mark of a 1000 before the end of this quarter; and the first Veranda CA Academy is ex-                             the core values of the organisation, which started with a humble beginning and a noble pur-
        pected to open its doors for our students in Kolkata soon; more is expected from this team                             pose. We are on the path to democratise education for the masses as we move down this
        and so be tuned!                                                                                                       path.

        At the time of this article, Veranda IAS is completing its soft launch; we have about 75 stu-                          We started with a fresh slate the year before, with many questions on how and what needs
        dents already leveraging on our content, pedagogy and advisors preparing for their upcom-                              to be achieved. One of the first milestones in technology was to create a charter for the or-
        ing UPSC examinations! And the first Veranda IAS Academy will be welcoming students to                                 ganisation, to build a strong foundation with robust technological platforms that can scale
        its premises in Chennai in the coming weeks.                                                                           and support the rapid growth we are witnessing today. The need to identify platforms and
                                                                                                                               implement them quickly was of paramount importance. We all took baby steps in getting the
        We added Brain4ce (more popular under the name of their customer-facing brand Edureka)                                 Veranda platforms to where they are today, be it the Website, Call Management, Customer
        to the group, giving us a significant presence in the continuing education segment as one                              Relationship, Books, Inventory and Data Security solutions. We implemented all of them
        amongst the market leaders. Beyond their current pursuit, we are jointly working with them                             with an element of automation in every way possible to help our business teams with the aid
        to build-out the hybrid offerings in this space, augment our partnerships with academic insti-                         of cognitive intelligence. Every team, be it the Verticals, Content, Video Production, Finance,
        tutions and bolster our presence overseas; we have a highly skilled, motivated and a young                             Legal and HR, worked as a family to launch business critical platforms successfully. All these
                                                               team whose members often remind me of                           platforms decorated the technology landscape, which helped the Verticals Go-live quickly,
                                                               myself when I was their age! We are excited                     create an impactful brand identity to showcase to the outside world who we really are. It has
                                                               in welcoming Team Edureka into our fold!                        been a phenomenal journey and despite the COVID-19 threat hanging around us, we have
                                                                                                                               continued to innovate and proved our resilience; while adapting to the mantra that change
                                                               There are multiple conversations that we                        is constant.
                                                               are having for  possible acquisitions to  be                    We have a long way to go, and with great teams like yours, our
                                                               able  to  fill  up  our  grid  of  offerings;  all  in          dear Veranda Family members, we can excel and achieve nume-
                                                               pursuit of the goal of making Veranda the                       ro uno by seting a stage that the rest of the world will envy.
                                                               learning partner of choice for life; in this en-
                                                               deavour we have some distance to go but                         Keep up the good work and your passion, in providing
                                                               we are warmed up and picking up speed!                          innovative services to our beloved customers.
                                                               Of course, we shall reach there without los-
                                                               ing sight of our goal of being affordable, of
                                                               high quality and with a single-minded focus
                                                               on outcomes for our students; and always                        Go Veranda!
                                                               with the strength of a committed team be-
                                                               hind us; the wind beneath our wings!

                                                               Go Veranda!

                  Suresh Kalpathi                                                                                                                                                               Prabhakaran Narayanan
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Chief Technology Officer
                      Chief Executive Officer                                                                                                                                                         Veranda Learning Solutions

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