Page 8 - Wallingford_June2017
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Please call to schedule an appointment with Social Worker Eileen Flynn, at 203-265- 7753. On Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays, appointments scheduled between 9:15 – 11:30 AM will be 45-minute appointments only. Another appointment scheduled for more complicated issues or additional inquiries. Note: In preparation for any appointment, please complete as much of the paperwork as possible prior to meeting.
Must be 65 years of age or over, or have proof of Total Disability if under 65. April 1 – September 15. Call the Wlfd. Assessor’s Office at 203-294-2001.
You may be eligible to have your Medicare Part B paid for you. The allowable income for INDIVIDUALS is up to have your Medicare Part B paid for you. Income includes Social Security, pensions, annuities, 401K, IRA’s, dividends, interest, rental income, etc. All incomes are gross: meaning before any deductions such as Medicare, taxes, etc. have been taken out. If your income falls within these guidelines and you would like to apply for this program, please call 203-265-7753 to schedule an appointment.
Tuesday, June 27, 1:00–3:00 PM
George Messier, Wlfd. Veterans Service Officer, will be available to answer questions and
assist with benefit information. Appointment required: Call 203-265-7753.
Please be careful before putting your signature on the “dotted line”: Consider reviewing
a contract or any other paperwork which requests your signature with a family member or someone you can trust. Your signature is a binding contract and often we may get letters in the mail, vendors at our front door, or telephone calls which can put us at risk. Please review information carefully prior to signing anything.
Thursday, June 8, 1:00–2:30 PM
Atty. Daniel Tully, Kilbourne & Tully, PC, will be available to give free legal advice to those who have questions or who need some direction with legal issues. Please call 203-265-7753 to schedule an appointment.
Tuesday, June 20, 10:00 AM–12:00 PM
Do you often wonder if you might be eligible for any State or Federal Programs? Benefits QuickLINK is a free and confidential program which can quickly screen for eligibility. Supporting documents are not required, but please bring the following information with you to your appointment:
1. Monthly income (social security, pension, dividends and interest).
2. Monthly expenses (heating, fuel, gas, electricity, water, telephone, rent or mortgage payments and medical expenses not covered by health insurance).
3. Asset information (savings, estimated value of home and car, life insurance benefits).
4. A list of all current prescriptions. Appointment required (203-265-7753).
Monday, June 12, 1:30–3:00 PM
Brendan Toomey, CFP,
of Toomey Investment Management, Inc. will
be available to answer financial questions about investments, IRA’s and annuities. Fifteen (15) minute appointments available: Call 203-265-7753.
Support Group on Wednesday, June 14, 11:30 AM-12:30 PM. For those taking care of loved ones with memory issues. The public is invited and you do not have to
be a member of Memory Lane. Memory Lane is a social-model day program located within the WSC. This specialized program offers confidence-building activities, friendship & socialization, a nutritious afternoon
meal, entertainment, daily exercise, and handicapped-accessible transportation for Wlfd. Members only. Memory Lane offers several different therapies: art, pet, massage & music. The month of June is National Dementia Month and we have a speaker and support activities scheduled. We will have a fashion fad show, celebrate Father’s Day with our dads with a special breakfast, and enjoy donuts
on National Donut Day, June 2. June is also National Camping Month and we will celebrate the start of summer with a ride by the shore (and ice cream) and a ride through Cheshire (for more ice cream!) and a picnic at Hubbard Park. Contact Debbie Markiewicz, Memory Lane Coordinator, for all program details.

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