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My English Book Two - Standard Two - Learning Outcomes
Suggested Pedagogical Processes Learning Outcomes
The learner may be provided opportunities in The learner -
pairs/groups/ individually and encouraged to - 02.17.01 Recites, sings and enjoys listening to
• sing or recite songs or poems or rhymes songs, rhymes with actions.
together with action.
02.17.02 Understands sequence of stories and
• listen to stories and humorous incidents and events.
interact and respond in English or in home
language. 02.17.03 Expresses verbally her or his opinion
and asks questions about the characters,
• ask simple questions, for example, on storyline etc. in English or in home
characters, places, the sequence of events in language.
the story, etc. (Ensure clear lip movement for
the children with hearing impairment.) 02.17.04 Writes a few words, phrases, short
• respond orally in home language or English or sentences, in response to poems and
sign language or other non-verbal expressions. stories.
• write 2-3 simple sentences about stories or 02.17.05 Uses stock expressions in face to face
poems. interactions in the classroom or in the
• look at scripts in a print rich environment like surroundings.
newspapers, tickets, posters etc. 02.17.06 Identifies different shapes, sizes,
• develop phonemic awareness through colours, weight, texture etc.
activities focusing on different sounds, 02.17.07 Uses pronouns related to gender
emerging from the words in stories and texts. like ‘his/her’, ‘he/she’, ‘it’ and other
• listen to short texts from children’s section of pronouns like ‘this/that’, ‘here/there’,
newspapers, read out by the teacher. etc.
• listen to instructions and draw a picture or do 02.17.08 Uses prepositions like, ‘before’,
different actions. ‘between’ etc.
• speak and write English, talk to their peers in 02.17.09 Listens carefully and repeats words,
English about festivals and events at home phrases and sentences.
and school.
02.17.10 Speaks about herself/himself.
• enrich vocabulary in English mainly through
telling and repeating stories and folk tales. 02.17.11 Identifies and tells numerals up to 50.
• use appropriately pronouns related to 02.17.12 Reads and understands familiar words
gender such as ‘he’, ‘she’, ‘his’, ‘her’, and at sight.
demonstrative pronouns such as ‘this’, ‘that’, 02.17.13 Expresses their personal needs, feelings
‘these’, ‘those’; and prepositions such as etc.
‘before’, ‘between’ etc.
02.17.14 Listens and follows instructions.
• read cartoons/ pictures/comic strips with or
without words independently. 02.17.15 Narrates a story with the help of the
clues or pictures.
• write 2-3 sentences describing common events
using adjectives, prepositions and sight words 02.17.16 Composes and writes simple, short
like “This is my dog. It is a big dog. It runs sentences with space between letters
behind me.” and words.