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Touchstone Glazing Solutions

           At  Touchstone,  we  have  always  been  proud  to  assist  with  any  project  no  ma er  how  big  or  small.  Every
           individual project is unique in its own way and it has always been a pleasure to play a key role when delivering a
           beau ful home.

           Since the beginning, we have always strived to go above and beyond for each customer as we know first-hand
           how difficult house renova ons can be. Therefore, we always aim to ensure your glazing process is simple and

           Tradi onally,  we  were  in  the  leaded  light  industry  and  realised  a  growing  concern  for  the  lack  of  thermal
           efficiency in historic buildings. This led us to develop a double -glazing window system which not only would
           protect the exis ng fabric of the building but would look almost iden cal to the original window whilst offering
           the best in thermal efficiency.

           Successfully  paten ng  our  Insulead®  fixed  units  and  Steelyte®  opening  casements  in  2012,  we  are  s ll
           con nuing to innovate and develop new solu ons and products today. Thriving off innova on and quality we
           are delighted that we have been accepted by Historic England in Grade I, II and II* listed buildings.

           Our windows and doors can now be seen across the United Kingdom in various proper es, from apartments to
           Churches,  to  castles  to  holiday  homes.  We  are  delighted  that  our  bespoke  solu on  can  be  u lized  in  any

           Please take a minute to look at our work which we have completed over the years. Our glazing has been used
           in various types of proper es and we hope with this brochure it will help you to visualise our windows within
           your home.

           As always, if you have any ques ons or would like a chat, please do not hesitate to contact us in any way and
           our friendly team will be happy to assist.

           Kindest regards,

           Liz Taylor and Sarah Birks
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