Page 81 - DINQ Magazine June 2020 Edition
P. 81
Tewodros' was his commitment in serving to give his radio air time to
(Continued from page 66) as a member of the Late Laure- present their cases to listen-
ate Tsegaye‘s association orga- ers and interview them to
Right after he began nizing ‘committee supporting resolve disputes, call others
publishing, I joined the con- in materials and offering his of- to help helpless and invit-
tributors’ team to write fice as a meeting place for free ed professionals to prevail
and publish articles on Dinq with warm welcome embodying peace and justice to defend
Megazine. I knew Teddy ever the principles he personally ob- the values for which he ad-
since and I noticed that he sessed. dressed with full confidence
has virtually unchanged be- and grace he stood for.
havior. Teddy has more of In addition to his day-to-
social interest than politics. day work life, he organized
Of course, just like any oth- Teddy quietly knew the
er people, he was ambitious and attended several social complexities of our commu-
to grow and satisfy his own and professional events and nity in which the Ethiopian
business interest. explored their future inter- Diaspora live. Throughout his
We meet once in awhile to ests and concerns about life he tried to address the
discuss about the community their needs in general. With most pressing issues of the
affairs and how to increase the his experience, Teddy himself day and always talks about
number of article contributors. who was Tewahedo Ortho- unity. Tewodros Dange was in
By nature, Teddy was a peace dox Christian religion follow- so many ways an exemplary
lover, generous, and enraptured er took the long view about community devoted individ-
by the possibilities of the world the current bitter disputes ual to helping the Ethiopian
around him. That was why he between members of congre- community in general to live
first said “ሁሉ ሠላም ነው” literal- gation and religious leaders by the light and truth that he
ly means ‘everything okay’ be- in Atlanta that ended up in found in the Ethiopian tradi-
fore he engaged into further court. Teddy had been curi- tion and that he freely shared
discussion whenever he meets ous to know about the issues with one and all.
people and when he open his of turmoil and worry about Tewodros Dagne was a
Radio broadcasting in the faces the Ethiopian Churches’ fu- proud Ethiopian-American
of four hour long radio program ture and he remained as a who dedicated to continue
and sometimes threw jokes to neutral steadying influence the Ethiopian heritage. He
warming up his co-host team about how to preserve peace was not a man to boast but
and promote holiday food gour- and co-exist among church to help others. He was best
met and Ethiopian coffee they members. known to offering his will-
sipped in group. In the days after listen- ingness to assist his coun-
ers asked to air their con- try-men in whatever possible
We know for a fact that the cerns and disputes, Teddy’s way he can by scarifying his
remarkable thing about his dis- voice continued to call for time and resources.
tinguished service ever visible the values and commitments
to which he had attempted
DINQ magazine June 2020 #209 PLEASE BE SAFE and Happy Father's Day Page 81