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P. 1
In the event that our area experiences severe weather or other emergency conditions, your immediate supervisor
will notify you by telephone if you are not to report for work. If you receive no call, and are still concerned, listen
to radio ABCD, 1170 AM for information every thirty minutes on the hour and half hour. If the highway patrol
considers conditions too hazardous for safe travel, we will close the office. However, if the office is open, we
expect employees to make every effort to be at work. We consider time missed when the office is officially open
as employee's personal time off. If you have questions regarding this policy, please speak to your immediate
Answer these questions!
1. The text is about....
a. How to be safe in the bad weather condition.
b. What should employees do in the bad weather condition.
c. The emergency calls when bad weather condition happends.
d. The telephone number to call in the bad weather condition.
e. Some procedures to do in bad weather conditions.
2. How will the notificaton be delivered?
a. By phone
b. By television.
c. By website.
d. By police call.
e. By messanger.
3. What should readers do if they do not receive the telephone call?
a. Go to the police
b. Contact the office
c. Turn on the radio
d. Speak to other people
e. Come to the supervisor.
4. This kind of text can be found in ...
5. What will the company do if the road condition is bad?
6. Why do employee contact supervisor?
7. What should employees do if they are at work?
State the sentence below true or false!
8. The information about weather will be announced every hour.
9. The condition will be better soon so employees should go to work.
10. There is not any information about emergency condition.