P. 16

G.  Key Answer of Formative Test

                  A. Put a cross (X) of the letter a, b, c, or d on the correct answer!
                     1.  D                                       6. B
                     2.  B                                       7. D
                     3.  D                                       8. A

                     4.  B                                       9. A
                     5.  A                                       10. D

                  B. Fill in the dots below with the correct answer!

                     1.  Identification
                     2.  Description
                     3.  Action verb
                     4.  Specific participant

                     5.  Adjective
                     6.  Identification and description
                     7.  To clarify noun
                     8.  Jokowi

                     9.  Love
                     10. Use simple present tense

                  C. Answer the question below in your task book!

                     1.  Description  is  an  explanation  contains  specific  features  that  the
                        described object, place, or person possesses.
                     2.  Beautiful dress, pretty shoes, sweet smile, etc.

                     3.  Action verb is verb that denote an activity (the activity can be seen).
                     4.  The  generic  structure  of  descriptive  text  is  identification  and
                     5.  Things in making a public places report:
                        a.  The day and date of the tourist visit.

                        b.  Public places visited.
                        c.  Location of the Public Places (details)
                        d.  Circumstances and atmosphere in public places

                        e.  Activities carried out in public places
                        f.  Important notes during the visit
                        g.  Appendix to the report on visits to public places, namely:
                            -  Documentation in the form of images

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