Page 85 - Flipbook_SolidDesignSoutheast2020
P. 85

Model403Series of Weigh Feeders

                                         Standard Design Features

                • Continuous metering or batch weighing on a    • Acri-Lok ®  — All Acrison  “weight-loss” weigh feeders
                  “weight-loss” basis — Acrison’s “weight-loss” opera-  include a unique operational feature… Acri-Lok…
                  tional concepts and equipment designs combine rugged-  developed and patented by Acrison to ensure accurate
                  duty, permanently calibrated, adjustment-free state-of-  metering whenever the weighing system is disturbed in
                  the-art weighing systems with the most versatile dry  any manner that would otherwise affect the accuracy of
                  solids metering/handling mechanisms and related controls  the metered output.
                  to provide users with an unsurpassed level of highly reli-  ®
                  able overall performance.                     • Batch-Lok  — In addition to  Acri-Lok, should an
                                                                  abnormal disturbance be detected by the weighing
                • Accuracy — All Acrison continuous weigh feeders typi-  system of an Acrison “weight-loss” weigh feeder oper-
                  cally provide metering accuracies ranging between ±  ating in a batching mode, a supplementary feature…
                  0.25 to 1 percent or better (error), at two sigma, based on  Batch-Lok… is provided to ensure the highest possible
                  a given number of consecutive one minute weighments.  degree of batch accuracy.
                  Batch accuracies typically range between ± 0.1 to 0.5  • Automatic refilling — All Acrison  “weight-loss” weigh
                  percent or better (error), at two sigma, based on a given  feeder control systems provide for the automatic refilling
                  number of repetitive consecutive weighments.
                                                                  of the feeder’s integral supply hopper (or tank). When
                • No response lag — Acrison’s various positive-flow  automatically refilled, the controller initiates a refill com-
                  metering mechanisms respond instantaneously upon  mand upon sensing low hopper (or tank) level, provided
                  command from the controller to alter the feed output.  the feed rate output is within pre-established tolerances.
                  Absolutely no lag exists since product discharge is  During the refill period, the feeding mechanism operates
                  directly out of the scale-mounted metering device.  in a volumetric control mode, returning to gravimetric
                                                                  control after refill and when the controller senses a nor-
                • Feed range — As standard, all Acrison “weight-loss” weigh  mal “weight-loss” condition.
                  feeders are capable of an overall feed range of 100:1.
                                                                  Although refill is generally rapid, Acrison  “weight-loss”
                • Feed output capacity — Depending upon the model  controllers include a number of very effective opera-
                  and size, the overall feed rate output capability for the  tional features specifically designed to ensure optimum
                  various model “weight-loss” weigh feeders described in  metering accuracy during all phases of refill, when the
                  this Bulletin ranges from several pounds up to approxi-  feeder is not in gravimetric control.
                  mately 200,000 pounds per hour.
                                                                • Unaffected by typical in-plant vibration and dust  —
                • Weighing System — Acrison’s various patented weigh-  Typical in-plant vibrations do not affect Acrison weigh
                  ing mechanisms are, by far, the most reliable, sensitive  feeders, as proven in scores of worldwide installations.
                  and accurate in the industry.The novel lever mechanisms  The novel overall mechanical design of Acrison’s various
                  of these frictionless, ultra-high resolution counterbal-  weighing mechanisms inherently provides excellent
                  anced  “weight-loss” weighing systems have been  resistance to in-plant vibrations without the need to
                  ruggedly designed for tough industrial weigh feeding  integrate the actual weight signal for stability purposes.
                  applications. They are designed with an uncommonly  Also, based on the “weight-loss” principle of operation,
                  high service factor easily capable of withstanding the  dust accumulation onto any part of the weigh feeder will
                  continual “impacts” associated with refilling without any  not present any operational problems whatsoever.
                  adverse consequences.
                                                                • Ambient operating temperature range — All Acrison
                  Also, once calibrated (factory completed) these unique
                  weighing systems do not require any type of mechanical  weigh feeders will operate within an ambient temperature
                  re-calibration or adjustment; in fact, such provisions do  range of –10 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit without any
                  not exist. They are permanently calibrated.     affect on performance.
                                                                • Totally enclosed product zone — Because of the com-
                • Ratiometric Digital Weight Resolver (RDWR) —
                  Acrison’s Ratiometric Digital Weight System utilizes syn-  pletely enclosed design of all Acrison “weight-loss” weigh
                  chro-resolver technology and innovative electronics to  feeders, product remains totally confined, thus assuring a
                  produce a digital weight signal having extraordinary  dust-tight and clean operation.
                  performance specifications. This unamplified, non-inte-  • Minimum of moving parts — All Acrison “weight-loss”
                  grated, highly precise and stable weight signal is a count  weigh feeders have been designed with a minimum num-
                  ranging from 0 to 1,048,576 (20 bits), capable of use by  ber of moving parts to ensure the highest possible
                  any of Acrison’s multiprocessor weigh feeder controllers.  degree of dependability and longevity, with lowest main-
                  Please see pages 5 and 6 for additional information.  tenance requirements.
                • No rezeroing — Acrison’s “weight-loss” principle of oper-  • Silent operation — All Acrison weigh feeders are virtually
                  ation does not require a zero reference point; thus, the  silent when operating.
                  need for rezeroing the weighing system is never required.

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