Page 12 - P-HATTON_BG
P. 12

E Es st ti im ma at ti in ng g   Y Yo ou ur r  H Ho om me e  C Co os st t  P Pa ay ym me en nt t

                Property Address:

                Closing date of escrow:                           New loan amount:

                Closing costs
                        Down payment
                        Credit report
                        Appraisal fee
                        Escrow fee
                        Lender title insurance policy
                        Recording fees
                        Loan origination
                        Discount points
                        VA funding fee, if applicable
                        Courier fees

                Estimated closing cost

                Lender impound/prepaid items
                        Interim Interest
                        Property Tax Impounds
                        Hazard Insurance Impounds
                        P.M.I., if applicable

                Impound/prepaid items total
                Less earnest deposit
                Approximate amount needed to close                                      __

                        Principal & interest@            %
                        Hazard insurance (1/12  th  of annual amount)
                        Taxes (1/12 th  of annual amount)
                        P.M.I., if applicable, (1/12 th  of annual amt.)                __
                        HOA fees
                Total monthly investment

                                                 The  above  figures  are  only  an  estimate.
                                           Figures  may change  with  lender  and  other  requirements.
                                                   Title Agency
                                              Pioneer Title Agency
                                                COMMITMENT TO SERVICE
                                                  COMMITMENT TO SERVICE
                                                                                                                   Page 10
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