Page 24 - Shane Rebenstorf azhg
P. 24

TAKE                                                             THE


                STATISICS :
          28% of sellers’ agents
            said they staged all
          sellers’ homes prior to
           listing them for sale.
           13% noted they only
         staged homes that are
                difficult to sell.
            The most common
         rooms staged were the    Phoenix, Arizona
            living room at 93%,   Photograph by: Matt LaSota (Iron - IT)
         kitchen at 84%, master
          bedroom at 78%, and    Will  you  be moving before  A nicely staged home is likely to sell faster than
            the dining room at
                       72%.      your home sells?  Consider  an empty, hollow sounding  one. It  may seem
                                 leaving  behind  or  renting  counterintuitive,  but  empty  rooms  often  look
             The median dollar   some furniture to stage your  small, so using properly proportioned furniture
          value spent on home    home.                            will provide scale and allow Buyers to appreciate
            staging was $400.                                     the square footage.

         When staging a home,    Staging the  whole house is
          22% of sellers’ agents   not necessary, but  consider
         reported an increase of  adding furniture pieces and
             1-5% of the dollar   a  few  decorations  to  key
        value offered by buyers,
              in comparison to   rooms, like the living room,
                similar homes.   master bedroom, and dining
                                 room. If you have any quirky
          53% of sellers’ agents
            stated there was a   areas in your home, staging
           decrease in the time   can  help  define  the  space
          on the market when a   for Buyers. Turn an awkward
             home was staged.    corner that may confuse a

          NAR 2019 Profile for   Buyer into a reading nook or
                Home Staging     mini office space!               Lauren Slusser (MEPRO) and Amanda Laganosky (Chandler)

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