P. 35
signing PIONEER
IDENTIFICATION: Bring an on your preferred method.
unexpired, government issued
photo ID to your closing in MOBILE NOTARY: If you are
order for your signature to be unable to make it into one of our
notarized. many office locations, Pioneer
Title Agency may still be able to
FUNDS: Your escrow officer will assist you with a mobile notary
contact you or your real estate service. Contact a local branch
agent in advance of your closing to inquire further about this
to inform you of the funds you service.
will need to bring to your signing
appointment. Bring a cashier’s DO I HAVE TO BE THERE?: If
check in the proper amount you or any one of the Buyers will
payable to Pioneer Title Agency. be unavailable to sign the lender/
If you prefer to send funds via escrow packages, notify your
wire transfer, you may contact real estate agent immediately.
your escrow officer ahead of Your real estate agent will notify
time to make arrangements. your loan officer and Pioneer
Learn how to protect yourself Title Agency. Many lenders will
from wire fraud on page 13. accept a signature by power of
Wire instructions in our opening attorney if the title company
package will not change. prepares the document. The
lender must approve a Power
TAKING TITLE: Review your of Attorney in advance of your
options of ways to take title in closing appointment.
Arizona (page 30-31) and decide Yasmine Cornejo (Westgate)
Phoenix, Arizona
Photograph by: Matt LaSota (Iron - IT)
Pioneer Title Agency 35