Page 18 - TYNE AZHG
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                                                    FOR TITLE

                                             legal description of the property,   homeowner’s  association  rules,
                                             sales price, loan amount, lender,    mineral rights as reserved in
                                             name,  and marital  status  of       patents, leasehold interests, and
                                             Buyer and Seller is reflected.       other items which will remain of
                                                                                  record following transfer of the
                                             SCHEDULE  B is broken down           property.
                                             into two sections. Requirements
                                             and  Exceptions.  Requirements
                                             are items that Pioneer  Title
                                             Agency needs to eliminate from                 NOTE:
                                             the title in order to provide
                                             a clear, unencumbered                      Read Schedule B
        The Commitment  for  Title           title to the Buyer. A few             carefully, because it defines
        Insurance  reports  the  findings    examples of items that              your use of the property. There
        of  an  initial  title  search.  It  will   must be cleared are:        may be restrictions that will cause
        contain  the  terms,  conditions,    •  Payment of property              you to reconsider your purchase
        and exclusions  covered in the           taxes                            (i.e. discovering the HOA has
        policy.                              •  Assessments owed                  CC&R’s and upon their review
                                                                                    you find out farm animals
                                                 of record
        COMMITMENT:                          •  Any encumbrances                       are not sanctioned, so your
        SCHEDULE          A       reflects       (or liens) on the                      family goat is not
        information  provided  to  the           property                             allowed.) If anything in
        Title Department as a result         Often encumbrances                        this section concerns
        of the purchase contract and a       show up because                               you, ask for
        preliminary search of the public     another individual has                        clarification.
        records. Information such as the     a name similar to one of the
                                             parties  in  the  escrow.  Pioneer
                                             Title  Agency may ask for a
                                             Statement  of  Identification  in
                   NOTE:                     order to determine  whether
                 Be certain the              items that show up  are related
              information reflected          to our parties and whether they
            in Schedule A is correct,        can be removed.
                because it will be           Exceptions are items which run
                reflected in all of          with  the land.  They are called
                your documents,              “exceptions” because the Buyer
                  including any              will  receive  clear  title  except
                     lender                  the Buyer’s rights to use the
                  documents.                 property  will  be  subject  to  the

                                             exceptions  described  in  this
                                             section.    Exceptions     include
                                             Covenants,     Conditions     and                                                                        Williams, Arizona
                                             Restrictions (CC&Rs), easements,                                                      Photograph by: Paige Bergh (Peak - Title)

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