Page 7 - TYNE AZHG
P. 7
donated to AZ
hours volunteered
at local schools
During 2017 and 2018, we items throughout the whole
decided to go “Old School” and school year. Teams coordinated
support education across Arizona. fundraising efforts like silent
Pioneer Title encouraged team auctions, shred-a-thons, golf
members to volunteer their time tournaments, supply drives, and
by providing 8 hours PTO and benefit concerts. The projects
supported fundraising efforts by were creative and varied to fit the
providing $100 seed money to individual needs of communities
each team member. across the state.
As a result, team members read in Our team volunteered over 700
classrooms, built gardens, graded hours and donated over $43,000
homework, maintained facilities, plus countless amounts of supplies
and more. Some branches adopted to our Arizona schools!
classrooms and supported them
with needed supplies and pantry
Pioneer Title Agency 7