Page 23 - PTA AZHG
P. 23
1 impressions
Clean down to the details in
order to show off your home in
its best condition. Keep windows
spotless and polish your
bathroom and kitchen fixtures
to make them shiny, giving them
a brand new look.
Take out the trash before every
showing, and be diligent about
erasing potential odors. Don’t
cook pungent smelling foods the
day of a showing… no bacon!
Gloria Beltran (Westgate)
MAKE A GREAT FIRST leaky faucet or loose doornob. SCARCE:
IMPRESSION: Go to the park, see a movie, eat
Put some extra effort into CLUTTER CAN HOLD out, but don’t stay home. Being
the areas potential Buyers YOU BACK: at your home during a showing
will see first, like the exterior, Now is a great time to start can be awkward for all parties
front door, and entryway. Pay packing and purging. Pack up involved.
attention to the details in these personalized belongings as well
areas to create a WOWing first as items that aren’t essential KEEP YOUR PETS
impression. and take them out of the house. SECURE AND OUT OF
Consider donating unwanted THE WAY:
CAN MAKE ALL THE Not everyone loves animals and
some people have allergies. Take
DIFFERENCE: THE BRIGHTER THE your pets out of the house with
Minor damages can distract BETTER: you, if possible. Also put away
Buyers from seeing the good Open all curtains and turn on all their belongings, like dog bowls
qualities of your property. Take lights before a showing. Consider and litter boxes, to deemphasize
the time to do as many little a higher wattage bulb if you need pets live in the home.
repairs as you can, like fixing a additional light in a room.
Pioneer Title Agency 23