Page 23 - Kortne Bongiorno BG
P. 23
T To o E En ns su ur re e A A S Sm mo oo ot th h Closing
R Re em me em mb be er r T Th he es se e P Po oi in nt ts s. .. .. .
• Maintain current financial status; no major purchases, no job changes;
avoid credit card purchases and any other lines of credit
• Tell your Realtor and escrow officer if you will be unable to come to o u r o f f i c e a t
c l o s i n g ; w e w i l l m a k e s p e c i a l a r r a n g e m e n t s t o accommodate your needs
• Check with your lender and your REALTOR® at least two weeks prior to scheduled
close to finalize lender requirements and verify that the loan package has been ordered
• If your funds will come from out of state, please let your escrow officer know at least two
weeks before closing
• Call your escrow officer the week prior to scheduled closing to set your closing
appointment; closing usually take less than an hour
• At this time you need to ask your escrow officer about the funds you need to bring to
close and what form they should be in for your escrow
• I f y o u a r e u n s u r e a b o u t c l o s i n g p r o c e d u r e s , a s k q u e s t i o n s . A n explanation is just a
phone call away
• Be prepared for last minute lender requirements
• Bring a government issued photo ID and any “Certified” funds with you to signing.
Pioneer Title Agency
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