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Meet RON
As the demand for online services continues to
What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself increase, digital changes are making an impact What is RON
on the real estate and title industries including
the notarizing process.
The process of signing paperwork
Remote Online Notarization (RON) is one of using audio-visual technology to
the newest developments, and Pioneer Title appear before a notary instead of
Agency is proud to be a leader in the industry being physically present.
offering this service.
This is an exciting new advancement that
has the potential to eliminate hiccups that
could previously stop a closing in its tracks. What
Customers who are out of town, cannot make are you
an appointment during business hours, or do doing?
not want to commit to a single signing time, I’m signing
now have another option. Pioneer Title is my closing
delighted to add RON to its toolbox of ways to documents while
provide excellent service and convenience to
its customers. I eat this steak.
RON may not be available for all transactions, Is it
so contact your escrow officer to discuss your magic?
No, it’s...
Contact your local RON!
Pioneer Title office
and meet RON today!
Pioneer Title Agency 15