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       44             BIOGRAPHY                                                                                               5  HEALTH care PROJECTS' EXPERIENCE

                                                                   From its inception in 1980’s, Erga, a 100% Lebanese        At Erga, teams are offered the total freedom to create
                                                                   architectural  company,  has  built a reputation of        and this is the key success of Erga and this powerful
                                                                   integrity and solid customer relationship along the        couple. With Erga’s professional team of architects and
                                                                   way.  Erga is widely known among the developer             engineers, we have the ability to move forward in every
                                                                   and real estate community of the region for its            project to exceed the expectations of our client. But the
                                                                   accountability, unique service, out-of-box thinking        know-how and the talent are not enough nowadays to
                                                                   and project diversity. All this happened by the            submit a great design. There are many steps that need
                                                                   efforts of Elie Gebrayel & Randa Faddoul, 2 young          to be covered equally to succeed. It starts with staying
                                                                   architects graduating from the Lebanese University         up-to-date with the latest trends in our field of work
                                                                   and despite the bad situation  in their country,           because architecture evolves quickly and staying behind
                                                                   Lebanon, shared their dreams, got married and              is disastrous for any consulting company. For this reason,
                                                                   brought Erga to life in 1980 from the rooftop of a                                                               Erga Academy came  to life offering training courses to
                                                                   building. ERGA carries their names and stands for                                                                architects, engineers and project managers in many
                                                                   Elie & Randa Gebrayel Architects.                                                                                new fields like Project Management Professionals, Green
                                                                   With the hard work, the sleepless nights, the mass                                                               Standards, Advanced Revit,Team Building Workshops and
                                                                   production, the delivery on time and the good quality                                                            Energy Modeling, to name but of few. And we invested a
                                                                   of submittals, Erga became a trustworthy name in                                                                 lot in research and development that took a big importance
                                                                   first-class architecture and engineering. All of this                                                            in our work to find unconventional solutions  when an
                                                                   comes  from  the  team  behind  this  revolutionary                                                              obstacle is faced and to resolve architectural issues with
                                                                   vision. With their vision for a sustainable company                                                              a continual search of the adequate supplier offering the
                                                                   serving a sustainable world and its communities                                                                  needed materials or systems.
                                                                   and their involvement  in every project,  Elie  &                                                                With the talent and the good taste in achieving beautiful
                                                                   Randa Gebrayel are the inspiration that keeps Erga         projects and having acquired extensive training and meetings with the best wordlwide suppliers along with the
                                                                   team  growing.  In  this  couple,  one  complements        professional experience, Erga team is fully qualified and equipped to undertake the design, feasibility, execution,
                                                                   the other. Along with their undeniable talent and          administration and direct supervision of the projects entrusted to the group with an orchestrated and dynamic
                                                                   success in architecture, one is in continual quest of      design process that works in alignment with the requirements of the client to transform his desires into reality.
                                                                   the latest technologies and trends in the field. And       Erga is a mission and a workplace where every creative and talented person having something to say is admired and
                                      the other is more oriented toward giving back to the society and environment.           heard; because Erga is a place for creativity. It is a journey where the primary goal is BEING CREATIVE. When performing,
                                      Both, aiming high, were the non-stop engine energizing the team and allowing            all architects and engineers have at their disposal all the programs, equipment, materials and training with the total
                                      Erga to become a distinction in the world of architecture and creativity; a             liberty to create and be productive. The trust, the support and the confidence given to the teams along with the talent
                                      professional and an ethical model to follow.                                            make the big difference and generate creative out-of-the-box projects. Everyone in Erga is given the chance to shine
                                                                                                                              and bring his own creative and skilful outlook to the company; and if found suitable it is transmitted to the whole
                                                                                                                              team. From one side, it is motivational and constructive to the concerned person and from the other, it is instructive
                                                                                                                              for the rest of the team. This is what creates this family
                                                                                                                              bond within the company. A team gathers experts from
                                                                                                                              different departments, depending on the scope of the
                                                                                                                              project, where all members collaborate, discuss,  listen
                                                                                                                              and share insights, in a friendly work environment. The
                                                                                                                              smooth, open and constant communication, internally
                                                                                                                              and externally, allows the team to be relaxed to offer
                                                                                                                              an efficient, sustainable, sophisticated yet simple high
                                                                                                                              quality service from the beginning till the end of the
                                                                                                                              project. And this is a sacred mission that Erga focuses
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