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P. 18

 Wake Up!
In the morning when you rise, wipe the sleep from your eyes thank God that you are alive All who know the bible truth, you have a bold exciting message to be told
to everyone young to old
For all who already know, what are you waiting for?
To grow, is to show,
what God’s love looks like
In this very time and place, by God’s grace, you are here to share and care for those Who are used and abused, Who do not have a voice,
In prison for making a wrong choice Who are poor, homeless and alone, with no fault of their own
All those who know the truth
and are in a deep sleep,
Listen to the Holy Spirit and Wake up! What are you waiting for?
We are all still here until everyone is aware that Christ coming is very near
You have a duty to share
So that everyone has a chance to hear and accept Christ’s call to surrender all!
For all who did not know, but now you know Leave behind the things that are just for show In order to learn and grow,
renew your life within, by letting Jesus in
and giving your life completely to Him
Do not let theories or leaders lead you astray Search Gods Word and know the truth today!
To all who listens and obey,
a God where all lives matter, found a way by sacrificing His only begotten Son,
to bring all those in spiritual darkness
into His marvelous light,
that shines through in the darkest of night Let Christ shine through you to be that Light that brings someone out of the darkness into His marvelous light!
Mark A. Bowe © 3-21-2021
Mark A. Bowe

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