Page 16 - PATH_to_a_better_Life_YouTube
P. 16
Why He gave His life for you
Born of humble beginnings,
where He first laid His head,
in a manger with straw for a bed
In a stable that was shared
with the animals within, because there was no other place for Him at the inn
In His father’s carpenter shop,
He learned His father’s trade,
but this was not why He was sent or why He was made,
to become a child in a world lost to sin that tried to take His life before it all began
He was taught to live
according to His Heavenly Father’s will
and through scripture and prayer
He learned of His Heavenly Farther plans
to save this world from sin, it had to be Him!
In the river where He was baptized,
the heaven’s opened wide and
He heard His Heavenly Father’s voice from on high “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” Filled with the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove,
He spent the remainder of His life serving,
healing and sharing His Father’s love
While saving all those who believed,
He was sent by His Father from Heaven above
Instead of accepting, the great tidings and joy, that His salvation would bring,
the priest and most of the people of His day, rejected Him has their Savior, Lord and King They hated that He saw right through
what kept them from knowing Him Instead, they crucified Him because
they did not want to give up their life of sin
So, there Jesus hung, on a cross
with the whole world’s sin on His shoulders
While some wept, others spat in His face,
pierced His side until He bleed and died
Not before He cried “Father forgive them,
for they know not what they are doing”
Even then, Jesus had compassion on them
Then, “He said, it is finished: and He bowed His head
and gave up the ghost”, While a host of Angels by His side
and His Heavenly Father watching lovingly from on high
knew the only way to save this world, His Son, Jesus had to die
In the end, when you meet Jesus in the air
and His Heavenly Father draws near
And He sees the joy on His Father’s face and
hear Him say to you “Well done thou good and
faithful servant” And you feel the beauty and grace from His Father’s warm embrace, has He surrounds you with His love and calls you His child, if just for this moment Therefore, He came and Why He gave His life for you!
Mark A. Bowe © 8-19-2020
Mark A. Bowe