Page 21 - PATH_to_a_better_Life_YouTube
P. 21
What happens to you when you die?
When you come to the end of your life, say your Last words, take your last breath and your body is laid to rest
Did you live your best life with what you were given?
Did you do enough giving while you were still living?
From the day you were born until you are gone,
was your life on this earth worth living for?
Did you give your life to Jesus, with each passing day? So that you would be better than the day before?
Did you share His love with those you met along the way? In hopes of seeing them with Jesus someday.
Have you ever wondered, what happens to you when you die?
After your loved ones shed their last tear and said their goodbyes Does your soul go to heaven, when you take your last breath?
Or does your spirit float out there somewhere after death?
Do you look down from on high, to see your love ones suffer and die? This is all just a lie, like was told from days gone by
that “You will not surly die”, but will become like the Most High
What the bible has to say, about what happens to you when you die, “For the living know that they will die; But the dead know nothing”
Is the only truth that you and I should live by?
Would you be willing to give up your eternal life for a lie?
Or would you rather have comfort knowing,
Jesus died to free you from sin to spend eternity with Him And when you let Him in, you are dead to sin
After you die in Christ, it will seem like a short while before you awake from death and take your first breath To be changed, “in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye”
To meet the Lord Jesus and your love ones in the sky!
Because I choose not to believe in Satan’s lie,
gives me peace inside, knowing that
I am asleep in Jesus when I die, to awake, when I open my eyes,
I will see Jesus coming in the sky, to take me to live with Him on high Therefore, I believe in the bible truth and what I choose to live by!
Mark A. Bowe © 9-13-2020
Mark A. Bowe