Page 23 - PATH_to_a_better_Life_YouTube
P. 23
For you and for me
How thankful
we should be,
to live in a world that God
made for you and for me
Golden sun
shines bright,
then it goes down
when it's night
Oh what a sight
a bright new day,
when Christ our King
with Angels bring
an end to our suffering
A new world awaits,
without hate
where all colors, “Red, brown, yellow,
black and white
They are all precious
in His sight”
Faith and hope
in the One
Who died for you
Who died for me
so that we can live
with Him for eternity
A new life
in a new world,
Forever free
from sin and strife,
for you and for me
Give Him
your heart today
and each day
until He comes again
For you see,
His new world
He is preparing,
is for you and for me
So, while He is on His way,
tell someone about Him today.
Mark A. Bowe © 6-6-2020
Background Image, Mark A. Bowe